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SALES DEPARTMENT FOR YOUbila_mezera.gif (38 bytes)SALES DEPARTMENT FOR YOUbila_mezera.gif (38 bytes)SALES DEPARTMENT FOR YOUbila_mezera.gif (38 bytes)SALES DEPARTMENT FOR YOU

Dear Customers,

You have now been for eight years in the care of the sales outlets of the EuroTel Company. Allow me to acquaint you on the following lines with the present and future state of our sales network in the Czech Republic.

At present you may visit 34 EuroTel sales outlets on the territory of the Czech Republic. 21 of them are already well-established, but the remaining 13 are brand new. The new sales outlets are located in much-frequented places - mostly in city centres, in pedestrian precincts, or, as the case may be, in business centres. By this approach we intend to get closer to all customers - both from the point of view of location and from the point of view of new interiors. All the new sales outlets are constructed according to a new, uniform design, which is more suited to the needs of the customers of our Company. Also the older sales outlets will be given this new, uniform face in the course of this year. I am convinced that you will be able to recognize the EuroTel trademark as soon as you enter any of out sales outlets.

During the first half-year of 1999 we have opened for you the following sales-outlets:
• Evropská, Praha 6
• Na příkopě, Praha 1
• Na poříčí, Praha 1
• Národní třída, Praha 1
• Starostrašnická, Praha 10
• S. K. Neumanna, Hradec Králové
• Kaufland Kladno
• Kaufland Chomutov
• Kaufland Znojmo
• Kaufland Mladá Boleslav
• Kaufland Prostějov
• Kaufland Havířov
• Kaufland Šumperk

In the nearest future you may expect the opening of the following sales outlets:
• Zámecká, Ostrava
• Prešovská, Plzeň
• Česká, Brno
• Pražská, Liberec

In all our sales outlets you will find highly qualified employees who will be prepared to help you with the selection of our products and services and will advise you, with a smile, in every situation which may be unfamiliar to you. Apart from the fact that we will sell you the selected service or product, we offer you in all our sales outlets, free of charge, an opportunity to have the signal strength of both our networks, GSM Global and T!P, checked in the locality where you will avail yourself of our services most frequently. This will be done with the use of the TRIAL and TIP TEST products. Thus we will guarantee that you will be satisfied with the quality of the connection and will prevent potential complaints.

In each of our sales outlets you may pay with all commonly used payment cards (VISA, American Express, ČS, EuroCard-MasterCard). Apart from these cards we are currently testing the interest in paying by OK cards of the company Multiservis, a.s. Such payments, however, could only be possible on condition that you would use this card to pay the whole amount. The employees of our selected sales outlets will be pleased to explain to you further details about the OK card, which is, in other words, a revolving loan, and subsequently mediate the acquisition of this card for you.

A wide assortment of mobile telephones and their accessories is at your disposal in the entire network of the EuroTel sales outlets. Our employees will help you to choose a mobile telephone according to your requirements and will recommend to you accessories which are guaranteed to be compatible with your mobile telephone and which will enable you to avail yourself of all its functions more efficiently. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to motorists the purchase of the HANDS FREE set with which you may make a telephone call in your car without using your hands and thus devote yourself fully to driving. All the accessories on offer are from renowned firms and have been tested and homologated for use on the territory of our Republic.

In order to ensure a sufficient capacity for the provision of the very best services, an important change will be implemented in our sales outlets from 1 July 1999 onwards. As at this date the Company EuroTel Praha, spol. s r. o., will go over to non-cash payment relations in contact with its customers. Starting from this date there will be a marked reduction in the acceptance of payments for telephone calls in cash or by payment cards. This change has been prepared for a long time, it has been preceded by several information activities and above all by a measure which has given preferential treatment to the customers who pay for their telephone calls and for all their services by direct debit from their account. Every customer who pays his monthly invoices for call fees in the form of direct debit pays 60 CZK less than the usual price of our monthly programmes of services. You may obtain detailed information on the possibility of arranging for payments by direct debit free of charge at the number *11 - Customer Care Department.

A very interesting service, especially for the customers travelling to the USA, is the possibility to borrow a dual-band telephone for the GSM and Ericsson I 888 networks. The sales outlets providing this service are marked in the list on the following page with this icon:

By borrowing a dual-band telephone you will have at the same an opportunity to check the coverage by signal which the EuroTel Company has ensured for you by its roaming agreements with the operators Powertel and Omnipoint.

The attached table shows all our sales outlets in a clear arrangement, together with their addresses, opening times and services they provide. As to the mounting of a telephone in your car, the employees of each of our sales outlets are prepared to order the mounting for you, or to recommend to you our contractual partners to do the job.

In conclusion I would like to invite you once more to our sales outlets. I hope that our new design, our wide assortment of goods and services and the outgoing bearing of our employees will be a pleasant surprise for you.

                            Tomáš Ševčík
                            Sales Manager - Sales Outlets

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol s.r.o.