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Summer Photo-Competition


Great Holiday Photo-Competition of EuroTel Praha

The time of leisure, travelling, sports, sun and water is approaching, the time of holidays and leaves has arrived. When you set out on your travels, do not forget to take your camera with you, as the EuroTel Praha Company announces a great holiday photo-competition for you. The subject is clear enough - Summer with a Mobile Telephone.

Three prizes will be awarded in our competition:
• Grand Prix (this prize will be given to the snapshot which will capture and treat the given subject in the best manner).
• The Wittiest Photograph (we will appreciate witty, humorous or unusual situations)
•Prize of the Jury (the jury will appreciate especially the artistic value of the photographs received).

Apart from the main prizes, which are EuroTel's GO sets, we have prepared minor prizes for another 30 most successful photographers.

All your snapshots will be judged by a jury which will also include a professional photographer. The prettiest photographs will be published in one of the next issues of the EuroTel Magazine.

Send your photographs in the attached envelope, together with the filled-in coupon, at the address mentioned, but not later than by 15 September 1999. The photographs must be on a glossy paper of the format 9 x 13 or 10 x 15 cm. But please keep in mind that the photographs will not be returned.

All what remains to be said now is to wish you a beautiful, sunny summer, a gorgeous holiday, but above all - a good light!

Please note - the competition is designed for amateurs only. Any photographs which are vulgar and those which are at variance with our laws will be excluded from the competition. In the case of photographs of persons it is necessary to obtain an approval of the persons photographed with the potential publication. The potential publication of the photographs in the EuroTel Magazine does not entail entitlement to royalties.


Name ........................................................
Street, Land-Registry Number .........................................................
City ........................................................
ZIP CODE ........................................................
Number of mobile telephone
    060 /
Title of the photograph:

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol s.r.o.