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Eurotel Billboard Campaign

One of EuroTel´s great advantages compared to the competition is the considerably higher GSM signal coverage. At present, the EuroTel GSM Global network covers 68% of the Czech Republic (79% of the population) and 34 countries on four continents where EuroTel has roaming partners. For the sake of this competitive advantage we have decided to undertake an advertising campaign to point out the quality of our coverage. The campaign's accompanying slogan in various types of media is "More coverage in more places" and is now embodied in four motives bearing symbols of both national and international coverage. They are a flag, tattoo, girl in a national costume and a girl in oriental dress. An advertising spot was filmed for television broadcast which through humor shows one way of using mobile communication abroad.

The coverage campaign can be viewed on television, in the press and on billboards. We are also distributing free postcards by the Bumerang company as a supplementary medium which can be found in select restaurants or brand-name EuroTel stores throughout the entire republic. Various promotion materials are displayed directly in the stores along with the same visuals: posters, stickers, etc.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.