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Before you go on vacation

Roaming is a service used especially by customers whose trips frequently take them beyond our republic's borders. Being accessible on their normal GSM telephone number in the summer months can, however, come in handy for anyone planning vacation abroad.

The person calling you doesn't need to know that you aren't in the Czech Republic since he only pays for connection to the GSM mobile network, i.e. the price he'd pay even if your telephone were in the Czech Republic. Incoming calls on your GSM number are billed to you in the amount of the fee for outgoing calls from the Czech Republic to the country where you are. In other words, you pay the difference. It is also you, however, who can block all or only some incoming calls and can thus use the telephone primarily for making calls yourself.

Before leave abroad, verify that the place you're going is covered by the GSM signal. The EuroTel sales locations will help you and even activate roaming services for you. Count on
a deposit of 5,000 CZK.

GSM network operators in other countries provide a very similar range of services that you have become accustomed to at home. As a rule, even the respective instructions for installing them are the same. Currently, EuroTel has closed a roaming contract with operators in 34 countries on four continents. In some cases, with multiple operators in the same country.

With the exception of price lists, all information is contained in the "Where to go with GSM Global" and "Roaming: How to place calls from abroad" brochures which are available in sales stores and customer centers or can be sent to you upon request by the Customer Service Department which you can contact at 02/6701 6701.

What should I think about before leaving

• request activation of the roaming service at the EuroTel sales store. Pay the 5000 CZK deposit.
• you can also enter which incoming calls to your mobile phone should be automatically forwarded to another number or blocked completely.
• find out the important telephone numbers used in the country where you're headed, i.e. the emergency number, the customer service department of the operator whose network you will be using, information on telephone numbers, etc.
• procure a signal coverage map of the country you'll be visiting and of all GSM operators there.
• get information on the prices for outgoing calls and GSM services of operators in the country where you're traveling, and choose which network to use.

When problems arise in the country you're visiting:
• check if you have the correctly selected mobile network on your telephone.
• assure yourself by using the coverage map that the place you have problems is covered by the signal.
• contact without delay our customer service at +420 2 6701 6701. For technical reasons, later complaints are unfortunately completely inapplicable.

As opposed to domestic calls, if you want to call the EuroTel Customer Service Department from abroad, you only have to use +420 2 6701 6701. 080 01 800 11 and *11 do not function for other operators. The EuroTel message service can be reached at +420 602 98 98 98 when calling from abroad.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.