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If you wish to change the service program (fixed charge), connect to international roaming, change your address to which you want us to send the bills, or to make any other changes, do not miss the following material. We are introducing a new helper--the Application for Change form.

From your comments and recommendations, we came to the conclusion that the present system where you have to fill in a similar form with a shop assistant does not suit you. To run with every little thing to a shop is the last thing you need. That's why our experienced people looked at all your ideas and created a new, easier-to-understand form for you. On the form's reverse side, you will find very-easy-to-understand instructions on how to proceed when you wish to change something. So before you ask our Customer Service Department, please read carefully both sides of the form. You will no doubt appreciate that for many changes you can now apply by phone 24 hours a day. For those applications for changes for which we still need your signature, it will be sufficient if you send your application by fax or mail it to us. Although a personal visit is in most instances no longer necessary, there are still a few changes which require that you visit the point-of-sale location. We believe that this new system will help you save not only your time but also your money.

If you have not found in the new form the change you would like to make, our experts are available to you non-stop at the following telephone numbers:

Customer Service Department *11 (from a mobile phone) or 02/6701 6701

0800 1 80011 (the Green Line enables you to call toll-free from the fixed network)

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.