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New shop in Prague
In the first half of July, EuroTel Praha moved to a brand-new building in Prague 9, opposite the Vysočany Town Hall.

In September, a new brand-name shop will be opened in this building:

EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.
Sokolovská 855 / 225
190 00 Praha 9
The shop will offer the same quality and selection of services as all the other brand-name shops in Prague. The shop will be run by an experienced manager, Michal Gabor, who until now worked as the manager of the brand-name shop in the IBC building on Pobřežní street. We trust that you will find your way to the new shop easily and quickly, and that you will make use of the experience of the professional team of experts there. Quick service, easy accessibility by car and comfortable parking are a clear benefit.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.