In the last issue of the Magazine we have informed you
about the intended extension of the choice of information provided to you by the GSM
InfoText. What have we been able to offer to you since January 1, 1998? New Services:
Language dictionaries
Has it ever happened to you that you just could not remember how to say e.g. a
"drawer" in Italian or German, and there was no dictionary to hand at that
particular moment? In such situations, you will appreciate the help of bilingual
dictionaries from the LangSoft company, a producer of dictionaries and PC Translators,
which are now provided by GSM InfoText. All you have to do is to enter the word you
require, the language into which it should be translated, and send it to the GSM InfoText
number which is 999111. You will receive the translation within a moment. English, German,
French, Spanish, and Italian versions of translations from Czech are available.
Name Days
Do you keep forgetting the name days of your colleagues and friends? Or even your husband
or wife's name day? GSM InfoText will ensure that this will never happen to you again!
Immediately, it will tell you when is the name day of "your" person, whose name
day is today, tomorrow, or e.g. on April 5.
Road Condition Forecast
Attention, drivers! The time of year when Old Man Frost is around in the mornings is upon
us and the roads and motorways may hold some unpleasant surprises. GSM InfoText will bring
you twice a day updated information about the problematic places and those iced over
stretches where you should drive only with special care.
Comparison of Exchange Rates
Do you need to buy other currencies for the best rate? We provide for you a unique
opportunity to obtain, in one text message, a comparison of the foreign exchange rates of
the biggest Czech banks - CNB (Czech National Bank), KB (Commercial Bank), IPB (Investment
and Postal Bank), CSOB (Czechoslovak Trade Bank), and CS (Czech Savings Bank).
The CTK (Czech Press Agency) News in Full
From the very beginning, the GSM InfoText has provided the CTK news in the form of text
messages. Often, however, this brief information in the form of a text message does not
suffice, and that's why a new service has been introduced. It is an opportunity to have a
selected item of CTK news sent to an e-mail or to a fax. All you have to do is to create a
new text message where you enter the number of the required piece of news, a fax number or
an e-mail address, and send it to the GSM InfoText number. In few minutes, you will
receive the information, which will appear only in the evening news or in the next day's
Weather Forecast
The one-day weather forecast will be extended to a long-term forecast for the area of the
Czech Republic. For example on Monday you will get a forecast for Wednesday and Thursday.
The supply of services for your entertainment has been extended by a database of various
jokes. Let's have a good laugh together!
How do you get all this information?
This information is available via the same route as all the other services of GSM
InfoText, i.e. by creating a text message in a certain form and sending it to the GSM
InfoText number, which is 999111. The text message must always contain the key word, which
is specific for every type of information, and parameters specifying your request. The
reply in the form of a text message containing the requested information will be sent to
your mobile phone.
If you want to use the GSM InfoText services, you must have an activated Text Service
(which enables you to send text messages) and a mobile phone which supports the sending of
text messages. GSM InfoText is automatically available to every user of the Text Service.
The way in which you can request and obtain information from the GSM InfoText is
illustrated in the schema on this page. |