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If Change, Then For The Better

There has been a substantial change in the approach to charges for outgoing calls and the new structure of service programs, which has been provided by EuroTel to its customers since October 1, 1997, is, compared to the previous services, much more advantageous and simpler. The change in the structure of services was triggered off by the development in mobile phoning, and that's why we hope that we managed to create a new structure of service programs that better respond to your needs. A significant innovation which will lower your expenses is the decision of EuroTel Praha to pay for its customers a connection fee to the fixed network of SPT TELECOM, and to the networks of other operators within the framework of free minutes. Whereas up to now the free minutes did not relate to the connection fee, this new innovation means that now all the free minute calls within the Czech Republic are free of charge regardless of the time and place of calling. And, what's more, with EuroTel you can use your free minutes in whatever way that suits you the most - i.e. for any outgoing phone calls within the Czech Republic to both fixed and mobile networks, and also to cover a part of the fee in the case of international roaming. Your interest in the new offer has made us believe that many of you have welcomed a substantial lowering in the price of the most frequent calls, that is calls to the fixed line.

As we try to respond to the different demands and needs of different customers, we have introduced a new WEEKEND service, and now we are developing other very attractive new products. Our aim is to provide such a wide supply of services so that every customer can easily choose the one he or she likes the most. Although every customer can keep the service program he or she has already been using, we believe, that most of you will like the new services mentioned above, and that you will choose one of the new programs.

In what ways is what we are now offering more advantageous? It makes keeping track of your expenses much simpler, as it operates with only two time zones. The peak hours are every workday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and other phone calls, i.e. those made in the evening, at night, during the weekend, and on public holidays, are charged as off peak calls. The other improvement is the introduction of a single charge for calls to both other mobile phones and to fixed lines. For the very good price of only CZK 95 a month you can buy a full 200 minutes of weekend phone calls as an addition to any program, apart from the new EUROTEL BUSINESS program which already includes the WEEKEND service. The weekend minutes can be used for making phone calls within the Czech Republic, and, unless you have a program with a different system of charging, you will pay only CZK 1 per minute. You can use your 200 weekend minutes only after you have used the free minutes, if these are part of your program. After you have used your weekend minutes, all the other phone calls, including any calls to the Voice Mail, will be charged as off peak. The exception here is the EuroTel REGION program within which phone calls to the Voice Mail cost CZK 4 per minute.

In case the WEEKEND service is used, the weekend discount relates also to international outgoing, and incoming roaming calls. The WEEKEND service is the right thing for active users of the mobile phones, who do not want to do without them even at the weekend.

Changes in Charges...
For users of the current eleven service programs, out of which five have so far been offered for the GSM and six for the NMT mobile phones, we have prepared six new programs, three for GSM and three for NMT in different price ranges.

EuroTel Classic - NMT Network
For all the clients who have so far used the NMT Optimum, Premium, and Ekonomik programs we are presenting a new EUROTEL OPTIMUM program. For the monthly fee of CZK 1395 the program contains the total of 150 free minutes, which can be used for any type of outgoing call within the Czech Republic, and also for roaming charges in Slovakia. For the users of all three programs the change will bring a decrease in monthly fees, by CZK 300 with the Optimum program, by CZK 1100 with Ekonomik, and by CZK 4300 with Premium. The special offer within the NMT programs is EUROTEL REGION. The program is suitable for those clients who have so far used the Flex and Region programs.

The change to the new program will mean a CZK 300 decrease in their monthly fee for users of the current Region, and also, an increase in a number of free minutes from thirty to fifty. The division of charges into regional, which is four crowns per every minute spent on calls within the home region, and external, which is CZK 12 per every minute for those calls outside the region, remains the same. The division, however, will be new for the clients who have so far used the Flex program and have got used to the distinction between peak hours and off peak. For them also though, if they make most of their calls within one region, the change to the new type of program is undoubtedly advantageous. Moreover, they too will undoubtedly appreciate the decrease in the monthly fee by CZK 300 a month, and the additional twenty minutes of free calls. The free minutes apply to calls to both mobile and fixed networks within the Czech Republic, and to the international roaming call charge in Slovakia. The weekend minutes within the EUROTEL REGION program cost 1 Crown per minute for calls within the region, and 3 Crowns per minute for external phoning. The shift to the EUROTEL IDEAL program is recommended to all current users of the NMT Kontakt. The advantage of EUROTEL IDEAL is the decrease in the monthly fee from the current 695 Crowns to 295 Crowns, and also a decrease in the charge per minute. The clients, who make most of their calls within one region, may however find out, that the EUROTEL REGION program suits them much better.

EuroTel GSM Global - GSM Network
The top class of the new product EUROTEL BUSINESS is advantageous for two groups of clients. The clients who have so far used the BUSINESS program might find the new program attractive for its saving of 500 Crowns per month, and also for its automatic inclusion of two hundred weekend minutes, each for 1 crown. The current users of the GSM Optimum program are going to pay, if they switch to the new one, CZK 300 per month more, but on the whole, they are also going to save as the new program contains twice as many free minutes as Optimum.

And, in addition, it also includes 200 minutes of cheap weekend calls.

An advantageous change is recommended also to the users of the GSM Kontakt and Global programs. The new program does not differ from the old Global in its monthly fee or in the number of free minutes. There is, however, a significant decrease in the charges per minute for calls to a fixed line both in peak hours (by CZK 2.50) and off peak (by CZK 3.50). Those clients who have so far used the GSM Kontakt program can get for additional hundred crowns a month only, sixty more minutes of free calls. Considering that the new program charges only CZK 6.50 per minute for peak calls and four crowns for off peak, the economic effect is more than evident.

The new EUROTEL START program, which was introduced in an older Start version as a last version of the old set of programs, offers a lower charge for the Voice Mail calls, which is now only 3 crowns per minute.

A Few Words in Conclusion
With all the new programs in both the GSM and NMT systems, the free minutes can be used for all outgoing calls within the Czech Republic to both mobile and fixed networks including the connection to the Voice Mail. The charges for international outgoing calls and those incoming calls within the international roaming network made within the bounds of your free limits are identical with the international charges of SPT TELECOM increased by 5%, the calls within the cellular network within the free minutes are free of charge.

The simplicity of the new structure of programs has been achieved by the introduction of a single charge for calls to both mobile and fixed networks, and by charging using only two time zone tariffs. Although at first sight, the switch from the old to the new program may not seem so advantageous, after making a more detailed calculation you will find out that the money you spend on mobile communication is put to a much better use by the new system. If you need any additional information, please, contact any of the specialized shops or your dealer. The staff of the Customer Service Department are also willing to provide you with advice on how you can apply for a change of program. We believe, that you will soon get used to the change and start appreciating its advantages.

Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.