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Change of General Conditions

The needs of our customers together with the experience gained in a year and a half of successfully running the EuroTel GSM Global network have led to a change to the "General conditions for providing the basic and optional telecommunication services in the NMT and GSM EuroTel Praha systems", that should be much better suited to the current conditions for the provision of mobile services. The other reason for the change was the introduction of a number of new services including the GO service, which supposes a new way of using services in the EuroTel GSM Global network.

One of the most important changes to the General Conditions, which you might find the most useful, is the possibility of making changes to the Contract in ways other than only in written form. This will enable you to make a number of requests simply and comfortably over the phone. The EuroTel Praha company can react to your requests for changes to the Contract immediately, which will speed up the processing of these changes. An example of such a situation demanding an immediate reaction is the possibility of blocking your SIM card or mobile phone, in the case of a theft or misuse, only on the basis of your telephone call without the need of your written confirmation.

To provide you with all the necessary information and to inform you in detail about the new General Conditions valid from January 1, 1998, we have prepared a supplement in the middle of this magazine, which can easily be taken out and which contains the full script of the Conditions. We recommend to you to keep the supplement for your future use. The full script of the Conditions will also be available in all authorized shops, at all authorized dealers, and at business partners of the EuroTel Praha company.

More and more of our customers prefer direct billing as the most effective way of paying for services provided. The recently introduced possibility of limited direct billing has significantly increased the confidence of our customers in this type of payment and contributed to the wider application of the modern method of direct billing. To make this service available also to those of you who do not have a common bank account, but have instead a widely popular Giro account with the Czech Savings Bank (Eeská Spooitelna, a.s.), since December we have offered a possibility of making your monthly payments from the Giro account either with or without the limit. The limit guarantees that no amount exceeding the set limit will be transferred from your account.

Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.