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Contest drawing

GSM InfoText and SMS Plus - Contest drawing!
Our magazine´s Christmas edition prepared for you a great January contest with GSM InfoText and SMS Plus services.
As contest prizes, EuroTel Praha offered 10 START KOMPLET sets which consist of a Philips Diga mobile phone, activated SIM cards, pre-paid START service program, and Weekend services, for one full year (valued at 9995 CZK). The winners were also awarded a one-year pre-payment to Text Services (valued at 540 CZK).
The contest had very simple criteria: anyone who had an activated Text Service of the EuroTel GSM Global network or who newly activated one during the contest, could participate. Everyone who tried out any of the offered GSM InfoText at least once was entered into the drawing.
Anyone could thus try out the newly introduced services, as are multi-lingual dictionaries which are very practical for trips abroad or for meeting with foreign partners. Motorists had the chance to check road conditions along the planned course using the “Road Condition“ services for free. Everyone could make it easier to wake up in the morning with a happy joke.

The contest drawing attended by a state notary public brought to a close the contest with GSM InfoText and SMS Plus services and brought good fortune to the following ten winners:

ERIKA, a.s., Školská, Prague 1
Siemens Telekomunikace, s.r.o., Tomáš Doul, Prumyslová, Prague 10
Mrs. Marie Poláková, Nouzov, Rakovník
Jirí Pospíchal, Závodní, Karlovy Vary
Mr. Martin Muller, Vodárenská, Kladno
Mr. Luboš Nosál, Kostelní, Jindrichuv Hradec
OTA, Mr. Otakar Hubále, Chitussiho, Ostrava
CK Favorit, Nádrazní, Ostrava
INA SPORT, s.r.o., Mr. Petr Ševcík, Koblizná, Brno
Mr. Jirí Vrba, Konšelská, Prague 8


We sincerely congratulate all winners! Each of the winners was contacted by a EuroTel mobile phone and also by registered mail. The prizes were presented at EuroTel headquarters on March 9, 1998. In addition, everyone who visited any of the EuroTel stores in January and activated Text Service received a small gift: a sporty tee-shirt with this service´s emblem. But not to worry if you didn´t have the chance to participate in the contest because you hadn´t heard of the Text Service of the EuroTel GSM Global network or because you aren´t familiar with GSM Info Text and SMS Plus information services. Updated “Instruction for Text Service, GSM InfoText and SMS Plus“ and “A Brief Text Message“ information brochures, both of which are available for free at EuroTel Praha sales locations, were newly published this year. For more information on “Text Service,“ “GSM InfoText,“ and “SMS Plus“ services, your can also call the EuroTel Praha Information Center at 0800 1 800 33 or 02/6701 6666.

If your SIM cards has the activated Text Service which enables you to send brief text messages (SMS) and thus to automatically gain access to GSM InfoText information services, then you can easily activate it by phone at the Customer Service Department at tel.: *11 from a mobile phone, or 02/6701 6701.



Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.