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Eurotel Rent

EuroTel Praha presents a new service - the lease of mobile phones. These are mobile phones for the GSM system and mobile phones for the PCS 1900 MHz system used in the USA.

GSM mobile phones can be leased in all EuroTel Praha brand-name stores, while PCS mobile phones are available for lease only in three of these stores (Prague Ruzyně Airport, Sokolovská 855, Prague 9, and Jindřišská, Prague 1). Along with the GSM telephone, you can also lease a GO card. Upon signature of a Mobile Phone Lease Contract, the client pays a deposit for the telephone and accessories, including the lease fee for the given lease period. Upon return of the telephone, the client is refunded the deposit for the phone. The minimal lease period is three days and the maximum is 30 days.

GSM mobile phone leasing is designed both for Czech clients and foreign visitors of the Czech Republic who come here from countries in which mobile communications operators use 1800 MHz or 1900 MHz systems. A benefit for these clients is the option of using their own SIM cards in the Czech Republic.

You, our clients, have the same option available when traveling to the United States. If you lease a PCS 1900 MHz mobile phone, you may use your own SIM card in the United States. Your monthly bill from EuroTel will include the cost of calls made in the USA using another operator’s network.

A number of regional mobile phone network operators are active in the USA. The first operator with whom EuroTel closed a contract was Omnipoint Communications Inc. With this operator, you can already be calling from New York and the surrounding area through EuroTel Praha services. EuroTel is soon planning to close contracts with other operators whose signal covers other regions of USA and Canada.

EuroTel Praha wishes you luck in your business dealings abroad, a good trip, and a quality signal.


Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.