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Reliable information transfer via SMS

EuroTel Praha´s new service, Business Messaging Gateway, will surely convince you that the frontier of possibilities for using the GSM mobile phone network is currently unlimited. It was operationalized July 15, 1998.
Thanks to the newly established BMG center, this service facilitates the transmission of information or data in the form of short text messages (SMS) between the GSM mobile phone network (or special industrial modules) and the customer’s selected computer application.

An advantage of this service is its mobility, i.e. that the receiving and transmitting terminals are not bound to the operating location and can freely move; its globality which means that the terminals work both in the Czech Republic and abroad; its security since SMS transmission is encoded and the transmission to the user’s application may be ensured through additional encryption; its rapidity since an SMS delivery takes place in seconds; its reliability which guarantees a high degree of success in delivering  messages; and its financial benefits when fees for sent SMS are discounted compared to a normal transmission of short text messages.


Previously, information and data could be transmitted only via mobile-mobile links when one of the mobile phones (represented by industrial modules like Siemens M1, Falcom, ...) was connected to a computer which processed and evaluated the incoming messages thanks to its software application. We can observe the use of this type of information transmission in some banks which provide their customers with “phone banking“ services. The clients may check their account status and even make other banking operations via SMS-type inquiries.

For service providers and users, the mobile-mobile means of transmitting information is becoming insufficient in light of the growing volume of SMS being transmitted. Communication between mobile phones faces a limited capacity which allows for only the receipt or transmission of one SMS at a time. Situations can thus arise when several inquiries or responses meet at once at a time of increased service use. The mobile phone attached to the computer application is then unable to process such a large quantity of deliveries and an indeterminable delay occurs. With on-line services, this time delay is completely unacceptable. In an extreme case, the time limit for delivering the message may expire and the request of the given service’s user is irrevocably erased.

In these situations, the new BMG technology comes to mind. Its abilities and adequate capacity provide many companies with a solution of how to expand, improve, and quantitatively ensure mobile phones based on the transmission of short text messages (SMS). Just contact the BMG center by modem, fixed data link, or via the public Nextel data network. Then, all benefits which accompany BMG are available to the service operators and users. Last but not least, the BMG user even gains attractive financial benefits.

The options for utilizing BMG services are innumerable. Here are a few of them:
The price of cars are continually rising, which increases the need to protect them from theft. Using BMG services, your car’s receiver is capable of sending SMS messages and informing the control center if the car is stolen. For instance, in combination with the GPS system, the movement of the stolen car can be precisely mapped out.

In the case of transport, freight, and similar services, the movement of vehicles can be easily coordinated (active work), their position mapped out, and information about the vehicles´ cargo, etc., can be gathered, in order to reach high effectiveness.

Using a mobile unit, sensors can very quickly put forth information on any security disturbance of the guarded buildings.

If the computer systems contain fundamental information, a long-term electric drop-out may literally mean a catastrophe. With the help of BMG, this doesn’t have to be the case--you’ll always be informed in time.

Measurement data can be quickly and inexpensively collected from dislocated measuring installations. For instance, hydrometeorological stations located in inaccessible locations can put forth regular information and the sensors in roads can pass on updated information on the condition of the road surface, etc.

Traction, signaling, or safety lines for rail vehicles can be controlled from one single control center.

BMG can also find application in the field of services--connecting any public automated machines (e.g. car washes, food machines, etc.).

By using Business Messaging Gateway services in any of the said fields, your company can transmit information or data in the form of short text messages safely, quickly, and with quality.

Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.