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EuroTel presents Creatis operator service

Starting December 1, 1998, the Creatis joint-stock company, with its subsidiary Teleconsult, a holder of the ETÚ licence for operating tele-informational audio-text services, has been marketing a new type of services. Using the EuroTel Praha network, an information service through operators is ready for TIP, GSM Global and GO users, as well as a special Christmas Information Service offer.
What do operator services actually mean? It's an information service and customer assistance through the use of operators- operator center employees.
Bringing operator services to market is a reaction to the requests of customers who have previously lacked this type of service. This represents a large step toward customers since operating this type of service is very demanding. In Europe, operator services are offered only by experienced telecommunications service providers. Nevertheless, we are aware of the importance and high value of this type of service for our customers.
The advantage of operator services is their simplicity, rapidity and the fact that they are available to any EuroTel telecommunications service user. No additional activation is necessary to take advantage of them. Being able to use them anywhere is without a doubt a great advantage. No other equipment is needed to gain the necessary information which, thanks to the simplicity and control, are available even when traveling by car.

Operator service

The Christmas Information Service is merely the beginning.
The content of the information service and its timing for coming to market are due to the effort to help as many of you, our customers, as possible in this season of Christmas shopping, cleaning and finally even relaxation. Among the many pieces of information, you will find the business hours of prominent department stores, places for purchasing Christmas trees and carp and their business hours, snow reports and information for motorists headed to prominent winter resorts, and also the chance to send a Christmas or New Year's greeting to those close to you by using a short text message (SMS), fax, or e-mail via operator center employees.
For the time being, operator services are offered only in the Czech language. However, work is already underway on expanding these services to include English.

How to use the Information Service
All you have to do to gain the necessary information is dial the very simple telephone number
which will connect you with the respective office where you will find answers to your questions or where they will be able to assist you.
The following table displays a list of telephone numbers for the various services along with the content of the provided services.

Christmas Information Service overview valid as of December 1, 1998

Name and telephone number*) Contents*)
Basic services
1. Exact time
2. Disturbance by telephone
3. SMS automatic sending of messages
Expanded services
1. Biorhythms
2. Horoscopes
3. Jokes and aphorisms
4. Weather forecasts
5. Motorist information

With the operator
6. Bus, train and flight schedule
7. Cultural calendar
8. Television programs
9. Information from the commercial and business register
10. Bank exchange rates, interest and services

"Christmas package" for last-minute shoppers
11. Christmas tree sales
12. Christmas carp sales
13. Business hours of large department stores

1. short text messages (SMS) for GSM telephones
2. short text messages
3. e-mail messages

*) The content and scope of the Information Service is determined by the service provider-Creatis. The content will be changed regularly and modified to customers' current needs.

Operator services are available only from mobile phones for EuroTel Praha customers in the Czech Republic.

When you call *900, an operator will automatically answer to offer you options. You get to the desired information through DTMF dialing from your telephone (by entering the proper number using the telephone's keypad). This process call later be simplified by knowing the subsequent numeric combination and thus getting directly to the desired information (e.g. 900X, XX, or XXX, where X is the respective one to three-digit numeric combination-direct dialing).

When you call *911, two methods can be selected. You can either be immediately connected to the first free operator who will provide you with the desired information or service, or if you have had a very good experience with a specific operator, you can choose that employee and wait for him to be available to attend to you.

What does POSTAL SERVICE mean?
This service (*922) is also provided by operators who will send a message at your request to the address you choose. The address may be the telephone number of another GSM EuroTel Praha mobile phone (the message will be delivered in the form of a short text message-SMS-which will appear on the addressee's display), or it can be a fax number (the message will be delivered like a fax to the recipient's number), or it can be delivered to an e-mail address through the Internet.

What is the cost of the provided operator services?
The cost of the services is stipulated as the cost for one minute of calling. The prices listed below are valid for all EuroTel Praha telecommunications service users and are the same for all time zones.

Overview of costs for EuroTel Praha operator services

Name Cost*)
less VAT
Basic services
11,90 12,50
Expanded services
18,90 19,85
13,90 14,60

*) Free minutes proper to the given monthly lump-sum payments are applied to the said numbers valid for the EuroTel Praha operator services. Each begun 30 seconds are billed starting from the call's connection.

Where can you get up-to-date information on the Creatis Information Service?
The current content menu of these services is available at all sales locations along with the current price list of services in the form of an informational flyer and brochure.

How to resolve potential complaints?
Please direct problems and inquiries regarding the use of the Information Service (possible complaints such as whether the participant called the given number) to the EuroTel Praha Customer Service Department. Please direct problems, inquiries and possible complaints regarding the content page of the Information Service to Creatis, the service provider, at +420 2 5731 0464.

In conclusion...
We firmly believe that the offered operator Information Service will meet your expectations and that it will first of all help you and simplify 1998 for you and that it will become your everyday assistant in the future. Creatis will continue to adapt the content and form of these services to the current needs of its customers.

On behalf of EuroTel Praha
Product Development and Services Department

Creatis is the provider of the operator Information Service and the co-owner of the ETÚ licence for operating the tele-informational audio-text service.


Copyright  EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.