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Message service abroad
MESSAGE SERVICE ABROAD Do find the Message Service an invaluable assistant? As you know, there are some situations where it is useful or even essential to turn off your mobile phone but you cannot afford to miss an important message. From March 1999 onwards, you now have the unique opportunity to make use of all the advantages of EuroTel's Message Service, even on your travels outside the Czech Republic.
(See Below - situation B)

When you are abroad, you can find yourself in three possible situations in terms of the Message Service:

A)    The Message Service is switched on – you are using instant re-routing
All incoming calls will be automatically re-routed to your message box, which you do not have to pay for when abroad. In such an event you will only be charged for collecting the messages from the message box according to the applicable international rates.

NB: To switch on instant re-routing enter the code **21*+420 602 999 999# and send it (as if you are calling this number).

B)     The Message service is switched on and you are using conditional re-routing
All incoming calls are stored in the message recorder if any of the following circumstances arise:
• you have no signal or your mobile phone is switched off;
• you are in the middle of a call and you are not using “Call Queuing”;
• you are not picking up your mobile phone.
This is an ideal way of not missing any important messages. But it must be mentioned that this is a somewhat more expensive solution: with this re-routing you pay for both the incoming and outgoing international calls. Collection of messages will also be charged as for an international call.

So how can you set up this re-routing option?

Enter the code:
**004*+420 962 602 XXX XXX#

where XXX XXX are the last six digits of your telephone number.
Then send this code (as if you were calling this number). Your request will be registered at our exchange and from that moment on your message recorder will work regardless of whether you are in the Czech Republic or abroad.

C)     The Message service is switched off
This means that when your telephone is switched off or you cannot be reached, you miss your messages and the caller has no way of leaving you a message.

NB: To switch off the Message Service, use the code: # # 002 # [send].

Do not forget that to pick up your messages while abroad, you have to use the number
+420 602 98 98 98
When requested, enter the number of your message box (in the form of 602 XXX XXX) and the rest you already know.

The following lines give detailed instructions on how to switch on individual types of conditional re-routing.

1) When you have no signal or your telephone is switched off.
Switching on: **602*+420 962 602 XXX XXX # [send]
Switching off: ## 62 # [send]
NB: XXX XXX is your six-digit phone number. E.g. if your number is 0602 654 321, your number for re-routing calls to the Message Service is +420 962 602 654 321.
2) When you do not answer your phone (the incoming call will be re-routed after 30 seconds).
Switching on: **61*+420 962 602 XXX XXX # [send]
Switching off: ## 61 # [send]
NB: To set a shorter time call ** 61*+420 962 602 XXX XXX 88 t #, where t is 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 seconds.
3) If you are in the middle of a call.
Switching on: **67*+420 962 602 XXX XXX # [send]
Switching off: ## 67 # [send]
You can combine the individual types of conditional re-routing as you choose. All the types of conditional re-routing can also be switched on at the same time.
Switching on: **004*+420 962 602 XXX XXX # [send]
Switching off: ## 004 # [send]

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol s.r.o.