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Fax Messages Receipt and Printing from a Fax Mailbox

* by selecting from the fax machine:
- call the number 0601 98 98 98 from any G3 group fax machine, enter the Fax mailbox number and the security code and have the fax sent to the given fax machine. After the message is sent, the connection with the mailbox is automatically terminated.

after a single fax message is printed, in main menu dial 1 and after listening to it #
the + [start] button on the fax machine

* connection from the telephone:
- from a mobile or another telephone connect to your mailbox, enter the fax machine number to which the message should be sent the number must include the area code for the given number.

in the main menu,type 1 and after listening to the fax message,type 3 phone number


* automatic fax message printing:
- fax messages may be automatically sent to any entered number according to the schedule determined by you or continuously after the recording is in the mailbox
- to send all fax messages automatically, dial in the main menu:

34312 and subsequently, in order to enter the phone number, type 2
phone number #
this activates a continuous transmission of messages
to set the time period type 3 beginning # end #,
by pressing button 9 you will return to the main menu
to deactivate the automatic sending command, in the main menu type 34313

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r. o.