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GSM InfoText can offer you a wide range of information concerning travel and transport. Here you will find timetables for rail and bus travel, contacts to taxi services in most towns in the Czech Republic, information on the current situation on Czech roads, waiting times at border crossings and the prices of fuel in most European countries. When you are on your travels you will certainly appreciate the Hotel Service, Foreign Language Dictionaries or Directory of Czech embassies and missions for assistance in an emergency.

Flight schedules

keyword 1st mandatory parameter 2nd mandatory parameter 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter
LET place of departure place of arrival time of departure date of departure

*The database contains the flight schedules of Praha Praha Ruzyně, Bratislava and Košice airports.
*If you want more than one reply (one flight) use +x as the last parameter, where x is the number of answers you want to receive.
*For towns with more than one word in their names, enter the symbol + instead of a space (e.g. NEW+YORK).
*When assigning a date without a time of departure, enter * instead of the time.

LET_FRANKFURT_PRAHA_2000_120399 ... looks for the first flight leaving from Frankfurt to Prague at or after 20:00 on 12.3.1999.
LET_PRAHA_MOSKVA ... looks for the next flight from Prague to Moscow
LET_PRAHA_BERLIN_1000_+3 ... looks for the first three flights leaving from Prague to Berlin at and after 10:00 today.

LET_PRAHA_NEW+YORK -> (LET) 1/1 – let: OK52 odlet: 12:30 29.04.1999 Prague, prilet:

Czech Railways timetable

keyword 1st mandatory parameter 2nd mandatory parameter 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter
VLA departure station destination departure time departure date

*If you want more than one reply (one connection), use +x as the last parameter, where x is the number of answers you want to receive.
*For towns with more than one word in their names, enter the symbol + instead of a space (e.g. HRADEC+KRALOVE).
*If a station name contains the preposition "nad" or "pod", just enter the first letter of the preposition. E.g. for "Ústi nad Labem" enter "Usti+n+Labem".
*In exceptional cases it is possible that the impossibility of using diacritical marks in the names of stations will mean that if you only enter the station name a connection from another town (municipality) with the same name might be found. In that case add an extra parameter, the code for the district the station is in. E.g., if the departure (or destination) station is Kosice in Hradec Králové district, enter the station as "KOSICE/HK".
*If you don’t know a district’s code use the auxiliary code OKR_město, which will find the codes of all districts in which a town or municipality with the assigned name is located. (More details on the OKR service are given under the timetables services.)
*When entering a departure date without a time, enter * instead of the time.

The text of the search result of a complicated connection (including train changes) can be longer than 160 symbols (the maximum for one message). In that case the answer to your question will be broken up into two or more messages marked part a-n in the heading (”CAST X”).

VLA_PRAHA_BRNO_2000_120399 ... search for the first train leaving from Prague to Brno at or after 20:00 on 12.3.1999.
VLA_OSTRAVA_MOST ... search for the next train from Ostrava to Most.
VLA_JIHLAVA_BRNO_1930 +3 ... search for the first three trains leaving today from Jihlava to Brno at or after 19:30.
Czech Railways timetable

Bus timetable

keyword 1st mandatory parameter 2nd mandatory parameter 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter
BUS departure station destination departure time departure date

*If you want more than one reply (one connection), use +x as the last parameter, where x is the number of answers you want to receive.
*For towns with more than one word in their names, enter the symbol + instead of a space (e.g. JINDRICHUV+HRADEC).
*If a station name contains the preposition "nad" or "pod", just enter the first letter of the preposition. E.g. for "Ústi nad Labem" enter "Usti+n+Labem".
*In exceptional cases it is possible that the impossibility of using diacritical marks in the names of stations will mean that if you only enter the station name a connection from another town (municipality) with the same name might be found. In that case add an extra parameter, the code for the district the station is in. E.g., if the departure (or destination) station is Kosice in Hradec Králové district, enter the station as "KOSICE/HK".
*If you don’t know a district’s code use the auxiliary code OKR_město, which will find the codes of all districts in which a town or municipality with the assigned name is located. (More details on the OKR service are given under the timetables services.)
*When entering a departure date without a time, enter * instead of the time.

The text of the search result of a complicated connection (including train changes) can be longer than 160 symbols (the maximum for one message). In that case the answer to your question will be broken up into two or more messages marked part a-n in the heading (”CAST X”).

BUS_DECIN_PRAHA_1530_070299 ... search for the first bus leaving from Děčín to Prague at or after 15:30 on 7.2.1999.
BUS_JICIN_NACHOD ... search for the next bus from Jičín to Náchod.
BUS_OSTRAVA_BRNO_1930_+3 ... search for the first three buses leaving today from Ostrava to Brno at or after 19:30.
Bus timetable

District codes (supplement to timetables)

This service is a supplement for the timetables in the event that a town or municipality being searched for cannot be clearly identified by its name alone. This service will tell you which districts a town or municipality with the assigned name is in and what this district’s code is.

keyword mandatory parameter
OKR name of town or municipality

District codes (supplement to timetables)


Are you in a new town and need to get to a meeting fast? Take a taxi, of course, but do you know that name of any taxi firms? With GSM InfoText it is no problem to find out telephone numbers of taxi services in various towns in the Czech Republic.

keyword mandatory parameter
TAXI town or name of a taxi service

The heading to the reply will show how many taxi services there are in the assigned area. If you want to receive more than one contact, use +x as the second parameter, where +x is the number of contacts you want.

Passableness of Czech roads

keyword mandatory parameter
SJI C Bohemia
  M Moravia

*This service is only accessible in winter from 1.12. - 31.3.
Passableness of Czech roads

Road closures in CR


Road closures in CR

Traffic restrictions


Traffic restrictions

Waiting times at border crossings

keyword mandatory parameter
HRA ICC of a neighbouring country

*Waiting times are given in the form ”from CR/to CR”.
*The value before the slash is the number of minutes (for passenger transport) or the number of hours (for freight) on leaving the Czech Republic.
*The value after the slash is the number of minutes (for passenger transport) or the number of hours (for freight) on entering the Czech Republic
Waiting times at border crossings

Fuel prices in European countries

keyword mandatory parameter
PHM ICC of a European country

Fuel prices in European countries

CR hotel service

Looking for a hotel with a vacancy in a strange town is definitely not the nicest way of spending the evening. With GSM InfoText you can find a suitable hotel in a few minutes.

keyword 1st parameter 2nd parameter
HOT town type of hotel
  district hotel name
alternatives for type of hotel explanation
H1 * hotel
H2 ** hotel
H3 *** hotel
H4 **** hotel
H5 ***** hotel
M motel, motor inn
P bed and breakfast
C campsite
R recreational facility
O other

NB: If the name of the town the hotel you are looking for consists of more than one word, use the + symbol to link the different parts of the name.

The heading will show the number of hotels in the area you have chosen that meet your requirements. If you want to receive more than one contact, use +x as a third parameter, where x is the number of contacts you want to receive.

... you will get the name, address and telephone number of a four-star hotel in Karlovy Vary
HOT_OP_BELARIA … you will receive the address of the Hotel Belária in the Opava district
CR hotel service

Assistance abroad

Unfortunately, there can be times when you are stuck in a foreign country without funds, a car or your documents. If you have at least still got your mobile phone, GSM InfoText will let you know the telephone number and address of the Czech Republic’s embassy or mission where you will be able to get help!

Keyword mandatory parameter
SOS ICC of the country

Assistance abroad

Foreign language dictionaries

Detail information concerning this service is available in Mobile Diary - Foreign language dictionaries


Click here for the EuroTel Praha optional services price list.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r. o.