
Keyword |
mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
film name |
cinema name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your question, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
If you use the
optional parameters and leave out ”film name”, this has to be replaced by the symbol
*. The same applies for the ”required date” parameter and the ”cinema name”
If you are
searching for a film name which consists of more than one word, e.g. Saving Private Ryan,
either enter the entire name (ZACHRANTE+VOJINA+RYANA) or just one of the words in
the name (RYANA).
GSM InfoText
will search for all the start times of showings of a film for a given day. Even if the
same film is being shown in a given cinema at various times, each showing (with a
different start time) will be represented by a separate text message.
KIN_ KOLJA ... you will receive the time and the name of the cinema where the film
Kolja is showing today.
KIN_*_KVETEN_050499 ... you will receive the listings for the Kvìten cinema for 5
April 1999.
KIN_ZORRO_*_120299_+3 ... you will receive a maximum of 3 tips for cinemas which
will be showing the film ”Zorro” on 12 February 1999.
KIN_CAS+DLUHU_+2 ... you will receive a maximum of 2 tips for cinemas with the next
showings of the film ”Èas dluhù” today
KIN_BLANIK_? ... address and telephone of the Blaník cinema

keyword |
mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
performance title |
theatre name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”performance title” parameter, this must be
replaced by the symbol *. The same applies for the ”theatre name” and ”required
date” parameters.
If you are
searching for a performance with more than one word in its title, e.g. Magická flétna
(The Magic Flute), you can either enter the full name (MAGICKA+FLETNA) or just one
of the words in the title (FLETNA).
DIV_NEVESTA ... searches for a theatre currently showing Prodaná nevìsta (”The
Bartered Bride”).
DIV_*_ NARODNI... searches for the current listings for Národní divadlo (National
Theatre) for this day.
DIV_KOUZELNA+FLETNA_*_030499 ... searches for a theatre showing a performance of
”The Magic Flute” on 3.4.1999
DIV_SEMAFOR_? ... address and telephone number of the Semafor theatre.

keyword |
mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
event sought |
club name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”programme sought” parameter”, this must be
replaced by the symbol *. The same applies for the ”club name” and ”required date”
If you are
looking for a performance with more than one word in its title, e.g. U2 REVIVAL, you can
either enter the full name (U2+REVIVAL) or just one of the words in the title (REVIVAL).
KLU_OLDIES ... you will find out which club today has a programme containing
the word OLDIES.
KLU_*_LUCERNA_130399 ... you will find out the programme of the Lucerna Music Bar
for 13 March 1999.
KLU_KLAMOVKA_? ... address and telephone number of the Klamovka club
hall listings
Keyword |
mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
programme sought |
concert hall name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”programme sought”, this must be replaced by
the symbol *. The same applies for the ”required date” and ”concert hall name”
If you are
looking for a programme with more than one word in its name, e.g. Vánoèní koncert (a
Christmas concert), you can either enter the full name (VANOCNI+KONCERT) or just
one of the words in the name (VANOCNI).
KON_MOZART_+4 ... you will find out a maximum of 4 concert halls with a programme
linked to the name W.A.Mozart.
KON_*_DVORAKOVA_190299 ... you will find out the programme of the Dvorak Hall of
the Rudolfinum for 19.2.1999.
KON_KAMENNEHO_? ... you will receive the address and telephone number of the Dùm U
kamenného zvonu concert hall.

Keyword |
mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
exhibition sought |
museum name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”exhibition sought” parameter, this must be
replaced by the symbol *. The same applies for the ”museum name” and ”required
date” parameters.
If you are
looking for an exhibition with more than one word in its title, e.g. Tøicetiletá válka
(Thirty Years’ War), you can either enter the full name (TRICETILETA+VALKA) or
just one of the words in the title (VALKA).
MUZ_ HORNICTVI ... you will find out which museum you can visit for an exhibition
related to mining (hornictví).
MUZ_ NAPRSTKOVO_? ... address and telephone number of the Náprstek museum

Keyword |
Mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
exhibition sought |
gallery name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”exhibition sought” parameter, this must be
replaced by the symbol *. The same applies for the ”gallery name” and ”required
date” parameters.
If you are
looking for an exhibition with more than one word in its title, e.g. Asijské umìní
(Asian Art), you can enter either the full name (ASIJSKE+UMENI) or just one word in
the title (ASIJSKE).
GAL_*_NARODNI_+5 ... you will find out the name of a maximum of five exhibitions being
held at Národní galerie (National Gallery).
GAL_NARODNI_? ... you will find out the address and telephone number of the
National Gallery.
Keyword |
Mandatory parameter |
1st optional parameter |
2nd optional parameter |
programme sought |
cultural centre name |
required date |
If you want to receive more than one answer to
your search command, use +x as a fourth parameter, where x is the number of
answers you want to receive.
When using the
optional parameters and leaving out the ”programme sought” parameter, this must be
replaced by the symbol *. The same applies for the ”cultural centre name” and
”required date” parameters.
If you are
looking for a programme with more than one word in its name, e.g. Škola cestovatelù
(Travellers School), you can either enter the full name (ŠKOLA CESTOVATELU) or
just one of the words in the name (SKOLA).
KUL_*_OBECNI+DUM_+5 ... you will find out the name of a maximum of five programmes
being organised by the Obecní dùm cultural centre.
KUL_CALIX_? ... you will find out the address and telephone number of the Calix
cultural centre.

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for the EuroTel Praha optional services price list. |
