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Are you planning an important meeting? According to your date of birth you can find out your physical, emotional and mental condition for a given day. The higher the value, the better.

Keyword mandatory parameter optional parameters
BIO date of birth required date

*Each indicator can range from 100 to – 100, with 100 being the maximum (best) condition. If your condition is – 100, it’s better not getting out of bed.

... you will receive the biorhthym for date of birth 20.11.1971 for 5.4.1999

Partner suitability

Would you like to know how well suited you and your partner are? Just enter your dates of birth and in a moment you’ll find out.

Keyword 1st mandatory parameter 2nd mandatory parameter
SHO date of birth partner’s date of birth

SHO_170775_090878 -> (SHO) Shoda partnerù – fyzicka: 30, citova 93, intelekt: 82. Faktor uplne shody: 68


You will receive a funny joke from our extensive database.



Sick jokes

Do you like black or sick humour? No problem. Our database also contains lots of sick jokes.


Sick jokes


If you want to be entertained and educated at the same time, ask for an aphorism.



Murphy’s law

You will receive one of Murphy’s law.


MUR -> (MUR) Murphyovska filozofie: Usmivejte se! Zitrek bude horsi nez dnesek.


Our riddles, serious and light-hearted, will amuse you. GSM InfoText will send you a riddle and twenty seconds later the right answer.




Are you competitive? Do you like testing your wits? Try a game of matchsticks!

Keyword mandatory parameters optional parameters
ZAP S start of a game with 15 matchsticks YY starting number of matchsticks
(15 to 25)
Y number of matchsticks removed
K premature game end

*You have a pile of 15 matchsticks (or from 15 to 25 if you select an optional number). The computer and you take turns removing from 1 to 3 matchsticks. Whoever is left with the last matchstick loses.
*If you do not respond within the 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. You will receive a notification 5 minutes before the time limit expires.

ZAP_S ... start of a new game with 23 matchsticks
ZAP_S_24 ... start of a new game with 24 matchsticks
ZAP_2 ... you remove 2 matchsticks
ZAP_K ... premature end of game

ZAP_3 -> (ZAP) Odebiram 3 zapalky, zbyva 17 zapalek. Cekam na Vasi odpoved.

Artillery battle

The aim of this game is to hit your opponent with a well-aimed shot from a cannon. The computer tells you where your opponent is located. You enter the weight of gunpowder and the angle of fire and wait to see where your shot lands. You can adjust the aim and the charge according to how far from the target your shot lands, which the computer will tell you.

Keyword 1st mandatory parameter 2nd mandatory parameter
S start game angle 0 - 90°
K premature game end
amount of gunpowder 0 - 10 kg

*If you do not respond within the 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. You will receive a notification 5 minutes before the time limit expires.

... start of a new game
DEL_3_50 ... shot at the target at an angle of 50o with 3 kilograms of gunpowder
DEL_K ... premature end of game

DEL_2_45 -> (DEL) Trochu kratka rana, strela dopadla 4.94 km pøed cil, zbyva Vam 98.00 kg prachu. Strilejte dal.

Moon landing

You are orbiting the Moon, falling towards the Moon and you only have a limited amount of fuel for braking. Try to make a smooth landing!

Keyword mandatory parameters 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter 3rd optional parameter
LUN S start game initial amount of fuel (20 - 200) initial speed
(10 - 200)
initial height
(100 - 300)
X amount of fuel for braking (0 – 25)
K premature end of game

*The point of the game is to make a smooth landing on the surface of the Moon. The speed you approach the surface at is influenced by how much fuel for braking you assign. If you assign too little fuel, your rocket will fall to quickly and will be destroyed when it hits the Moon. If you assign too much fuel, the rocket will overcome the Moon’s gravity and will start to climb again. Then you have to assign a zero quantity of fuel for as long as it takes for the rocket to start falling again.
*If you do not enter any optional parameters when starting a new game, the game will start with the standard settings, which you will find out in the computer’s reply.
*If you do not respond within a 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. 5 minutes before the time limit expires you will receive a notification.

... start of a new game with standard setting
LUN_S_100_80_2000 ... start of a new game with setting of 100 tonnes of fuel, and initial landing speed of 80 m/s and a height above the Moon surface of 2000 metres.
LUN_10 ... braking with 10 tonnes of fuel
LUN_K ... premature end of game

LUN 8 -> (LUN) Vase vyska je 930 m, rychlost 56 m/sec, zbyva palivo 42 tun. Zadejte palivo.


Do you have some time on your hands and need some excitement? Play a game of battleships like you did when you were at school. Choose the size of the playing area and place your ships. The computer fires first, you reply, and then it’s all down to your strategy.

Keyword mandatory parameters 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter 3rd optional parameter
LOD S start game size of playing area (see table) number of type 2 ships number of type 1 ships
XY_Z XY (position of your shot)
Z (result of the computer’s shot: V=water, Z=hit, P=sunk)
K premature end of game
SOUTEZ start of competition game

*if you do not enter the 2nd and 3rd optional parameters, the computer uses the standard number and composition of ships for the assigned size of the playing area (see the following table)

Value of 1st optional parameter playing area number of type 2 ships number of type 1 ships
5 (standard setting) 5x5 3 1
6 6x6 4 2
7 7x7 6 2
8 8x8 7 3
9 9x9 7 3
10 10x10 8 3

*type 1 ships cover 1 square of the playing area, type 2 ships cover 2 squares
*ships may not touch each other, not even diagonally across squares
*the maximum total number of ships is equal to the size of one side of the playing area + 1 (e.g. on a 7x7 playing area you can have at most 8 ships of any type)
*you and the computer take turns firing
*if you do not respond within a 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. 5 minutes before the time limit expires you will receive a notification.

If you don’t want to play just for the sake of it, play for prizes (e.g. a EuroTel T-shirt, GO CD and more). Everyone who beats the computer in competition battleships gets a prize. All you have to do is send the command for the start of a competition game of battleships (LOD_SOUTEZ) and the computer will tell you what playing area and what number and composition of ships you will play with. If you win, just enter the postal address you want the prize sent to and you will receive it in a few days’ time.

... start of a new game – 5x5 playing area, 3 type 2 ships, 1 type 1 ship (see table)
LOD_S_6_3_5 ... start of a new game – 6x6 playing area, 3 type 2 ships, 5 type 1 ships
LOD_S_10_10_0 ... start of a new game –10x10 playing area, 10 type 2 ships, no type 1 ships
LOD_B2_V ... you fire at B2, the computer’s previous shot landed in the water
LOD_A4_Z ... you fire at A4, the computer’s previous shot hit but did not sink your ship
LOD_B2_P ... you fire at B2, the computer’s previous shot hit and sunk your ship

... start of a new competition game for prizes
LOD_K ... premature end of game

LOD_S_ 6 -> (LOD) Nova hra 6 x 6, 4x lod typu 2, 2x lod typu 1, hra registrovana pod cislem 1. Ja strilim na F2.


You must remember the game with coloured pins where you had ten chances to guess the right order and colour of pins. Logic is the equivalent of this game. The computer thinks of a number, and you have to guess it. It’s up to you how many attempts it takes.

Keyword mandatory parameters optional parameters
LOG S start of standard game (you have to guess a 3-figure number) X number of digits in the number to be guessed
SOUTEZ start of a competition game
YYYYY number guessed
K premature end of game

*The computer thinks of a 3-5 figure number made up of digits 0 to 9, in which an individual digit must not be repeated, e.g. 2105. You try to guess the number the computer is thinking of. The computer replies to your guess with 2 numbers – the number of correctly located digits and the number of correctly guessed but wrongly placed digits. So if you guess 2701 when the target figure is 2105, the computer’s reply will be: 1 correctly located digit (for the 2 in the first place) and 2 correctly guessed but wrongly located digits (0 and 1).
*If you do not respond with a 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. 5 minutes before the elapse of the time limit you will receive a notification.

If you don’t enjoy playing just for the sake of it, play for prizes (e.g. EuroTel T-shirt, GO CD and more). Everyone who guesses the competition number in a low number of attempts will win a prize. Just send LOG_SOUTEZ to start the competition game and the computer will tell you how many digits the target number is made up of and how many attempts you can have. If you win, just enter the address you want the prize sent to and you will receive it in a few days’ time.

…start of a new game, you are trying to guess a 3-figure number.
LOG_ 1287... You guess 1287; the reply will tell you the number of correct digits.
LOG_SOUTEZ ... start of a new competition game for prizes
LOG_K ... premature end of game

LOG_S_4 -> (LOG) Zacatek nove hry – tipujete 4 mistne cislo.


Do you feel like testing your brains and matching your ability against the computer? You have an opportunity to do so.

Keyword mandatory parameters optional parameters
SACH S start game B you play with white pieces
C you play with black pieces
K premature end of game
Q Great Castling
X Little Castling
SACH description of the actual position of the pieces

*If you do not respond with a 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. 5 minutes before the elapse of the time limit you will receive a notification.

SACH_S ... beginning of a new game
SACH_S_C ...
beginning of a new game, you play with black pieces
SACH_D2D4 ...
your move from D2 to D4
SACH_Q ...
you are implementing Great Castling
description of the actual position of the pieces on the chessboard
SACH_K ...
premature termination of the game

SACH C7C5  -> (SACH) Vas tah byl C7 na C5. Muj tah je D7 na D5.


Do you wish to get to know yourself better? We offer you a wide scale of tests, all you need to do is to choose the one which is to your liking. You may either select the type of test by yourself, or it may be selected for you by the computer. All you need to do afterwards is to respond and you are sure to find out things about yourself you have never thought of. But please do not take our tests too seriously.

Keyword mandatory parameters
TEST S beginning of a new test according to the selection made by the computer
S_name of the selected test beginning of a new test according to your selection
TEST list of all tests and their names
X letter of the selected answer
K premature termination of the test

*If you do not respond with a 30-minute time limit, your game will automatically be stopped. 5 minutes before the elapse of the time limit you will receive a notification.

TEST_TEST ... you will receive a list of the tests and their names
TEST_S ...
beginning of a new test according to the selection of the computer
beginning of a test called SEX
TEST_C ...
your answer to the question posed is C
TEST_K ...
premature termination of the test

TEST_A -> (TEST) 2 Uz se Vam stalo, ze jste zapomnel(a) neco zaplatit ?

Gossip on the stars

Are you interested in gossip about the stars? Our constantly updated database contains an inexhaustible supply of the latest and hottest gossip.


Gossip on the stars

Countdown to the year 2000

Do you want to know how many days are left till the start of the new millennium? Use GSM InfoText with the keyword 2000.


Countdown to the year 2000

Tip for Sportka

Do you play sportka, 5 from 40, lucky 10 or other lotteries without success? GSM InfoText will try to advise you what numbers to bet on (but don’t take it out on your mobile phone if you lose again).

Keyword 1st optional parameter 2nd optional parameter
number of randomly generated digits selection range

*Tip for sportka – just send the keyword SPO, i.e. without any parameters.
*Tip for 5 from 40 - send SPO_5_40
*Tip for lucky 10 - send SPO_10_80

Tip for Sportka

Cocktail suggestions

Are you planning a party and want to surprise your friends? We will advise you a cocktail recipe that is bound to impress.


Cocktail suggestions

Click here for the EuroTel Praha optional services price list.

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r. o.