logo EuroTel Daily news

We offer you the chance, wherever you are, to keep fully in touch with current affairs at home and around the world. 24 hours a day you can get the most important information from the excellent service of the largest press agency in the Czech Republic, Czech Press Agency.
Via SMS you can order general economic, domestic, foreign or sports news to be sent to your mobile phone.
Most mobile phones are not designed to receive the full wording of Czech Press Agency reports, but this unique service gives you the chance to have the full wording of selected CPA reports sent to your fax or e-mail address.

Weather forecast

You will find it easier to make plans with the one-day weather forecast for the regions of the Czech Republic or a long-term forecast for the Czech Republic.

keyword mandatory parameters
POC region

List of mandatory parameters

today’s weather

tomorrow’s weather


Czech Republic


Czech Republic


Central Bohemia


Central Bohemia


West Bohemia


West Bohemia


North Bohemia


North Bohemia


East Bohemia


East Bohemia


South Bohemia


South Bohemia


North Moravia


North Moravia


South Moravia


South Moravia


long-term weather forecast for the entire country

POC_SM ... tomorrow’s weather for North Moravia
POC_DP ... long-term weather forecast for the next two days for the Czech Republic

Weather forecast

News from home, international, economics and sports news

keyword mandatory parameters optional parameters
CTK type of news priority of news

List of mandatory parameters

type of news

news priority




milestone events (a few a year)




key events




main events of the day




*The request for a certain type of news is implemented until the end of the day on which it was registered. If you want to be kept informed constantly, enter T as the optional parameter. The news you have chosen will be delivered to you until the request is cancelled by entering the optional parameter K.
*If you send off just the keyword, i.e. without setting any parameters, you will receive the last report issued by CPA. 
*If you do not stipulate a priority (or if you stipulate priority 3), you will receive approximately 35 reports per day for each kind of news.
CTK_D_2 .. command for news from domestic politics with priority 1 and 2, valid till midnight
CTK_S_3T .. command for continuous sports news with priority 1, 2 and 3
CTK_E_K .. cancellation of request for economic news
CTK_K .. cancellation of all orders from CPA

News from home, international, economics and sports news

Daily news finder

GSM InfoText also enables you to look for CPA reports containing a particular keyword. Keyword and parameter:

CTK_?search word
it looks for the numbers of the last at most 36 reports that contain the assigned word. If you want any of the reports to be displayed on your mobile phone, send the following keyword and parameter to GSM InfoText’s number 999 111:
CTK_Hxxx , where xxx is the number of the requested report.
Daily news finder

Getting the full wording of CPA reports

Sometimes concise information in the form of a text message is not enough, and for this reason GSM InfoText gives you the opportunity to receive the full wording of a selected CPA report. All you have to do is remember the number of the CPA report (which is given in the heading of the received short text message) and create a new text message in the following form:
FAX_fax number_CTKxxx for sending to a fax
EML_e-mail address_CTKxxx for sending to an e-mail address
xxx … means the number of the CPA report (which you’ll find in the heading of the received text message, i.e. the title of the CPA report)

Send the keyword and the parameters to the GSM InfoText number 999 111. Within a few minutes the entire report (without diacritical marks) will be sent to the assigned fax or selected e-mail address. The sending of the report to you will be confirmed by a text message.
Note: Reports can only be sent to fax numbers in the Czech Republic. E-mail addresses assigned for the full wording of a report can be anywhere in the world that can be reached via the Internet.
NB: Because of the restricted put-through capacity of telephone lines the full wording of a report can sometimes be delayed and the entire report may not be sent immediately. In that case we recommend that you confirm that the given report is available by sending the following text message to number 999 111:
CTK_?xxx, where xxx is the number of the requested report.


FAX_0221242124_CTK256 CPA report no. 256 will be sent to fax number
02/21242124 (always include the area code)

CPA report no. 256 will be sent to e-mail address: "petr_nemec@mbox.vol.cz

the _ symbol in the e-mail address must be replaced by the # symbol; the @ symbol can be replaced by *

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