EuroTel Praha,
s.r.o. is the first provider of mobile phone networks in the Czech Republic. While
offering services EuroTel is motivated to fully satisfy the needs and wishes of its
clients. EuroTel always offers you modern telecommunications equipment based on
state-of-the-art technology. EuroTel has many shops where its services are available for
you - our clients. Wherever you are in the Czech Republic, you will always be near a
EuroTel brand shop, accredited dealer or sales representative. At these places you can get
advice on EuroTel services and the operation of your mobile phone. If you want to get more
detailed information, please call the EuroTel Information Center or Customer Service

Company address :
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o.
Sokolovská 855/225
P.O. Box 49
190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic
Information Center:
Phone: (+420 2) 6701 6666
Green line: 0800 1 80033 (free of charge if
called from a ground network in the Czech Republic)
Information e-mail: info@eurotel.cz
Customer Service Department:
Phone: (+420 2) 6701 6701
Green line: 0800 1 80011 (free of charge if
called from a ground network in the Czech Republic)
Fax: (+420 2) 6701 6733
From Mobile Phone: *11
Go Line :
Automatic info system,
GO card charging - phone: (+ 420 2) 6701 1188
or *88 (for calling from a mobile phone, free of charge in the
Czech Republic)
Owners :
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o., is a joint venture of SPT TELECOM, a.s., (51%) and
Atlantic West B.V. (49%). Atlantic West B.V. is a company with an equal share of
Bell Atlantic, Inc. (NYSE:BEL) and MediaOne International, Inc.,
which is a part of MediaOne Group (NYSE:UMG)
Other information |
Covered area of the Czech population: Eurotel GSM Global
98% and T!P 99% |
Number of roaming partners: 139 (1st September 1999) |
Number of customers: 750,000 (16th July 1999) |
Number of employees: 1,587 (16th July 1999) |
Operated systems: |
NMT 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephony, 450 MHz)
GSM 900 (Global System for Mobile Communications, 900 MHz) |
Invested capital: 1,211 mil. CZK |
1996 revenues: 4,994 mil. CZK
1997 revenues: 10,404 mil. CZK
1998 revenues: 14,627 mil. CZK |
History of the company |
16th November 1990 - EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o. was
founded |
9th April 1991 Registered in OR |
12th September 1991 - start of NMT 450 operation |
30th June 1995 - final agreement on the sale of Data
Network Division of SPT TELECOM, a.s. was reached |
1th July 1996 - start of GSM 900 operation |
