Prague Atlas Project
Software and Physics
Spokesman: Julius
ViceSpokesman: Jiri
Development of the reconstruction software for the Atlas detector using
traditional and modern programing methods.
Simulation of the physical processes on the Atlas detector.
A Possible Measurement
of CP Violation in B0 Decays by ATLAS on LHC
PHYS-NO 022: Dilution
for B-> J/psi
PHYS-NO 036,PRA-HEP-94-3,J.Phys.G21:629-638,1995: Feasibility
of Beauty Baryon Polarization Measurement in Lambda0 J/psi Decay Channel
PHYS-NO 041,Nucl. Instrum. Methods A351 (1994) 84-94: B Physics in ATLAS
Moose Week in CERN, Jan'95: Opatrec
- Global Pattern Recognition using Eiffel
Lecture about Atlas
Moose Week in Orsay, Apr'95: Helix-fit
- part of the Tracking for the Prototype II
ATLAS Physics+ in Trest, Jun'95: Moose
for Atlas
Moose Week in RAL, Sep'95: Helix-fit
- translated IPATREC
Moose Week in RAL, Sep'95: Detector
and Event Display - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
User Guide
CHEP'95 in Rio de Janeiro: Object
Oriented Tracking Software for The ATLAS Experiment
CERN/LHCC/95-60,1995: Status
Report of Moose - an Object Oriented Approach to Software Development
for LHC Experiment
Moose Week in CERN, Nov'95: Virtual
Moose - Moose Event Display
The Level
2 B-Physics Trigger Implementation in ATRIG.
The TRT e+e-
pair trigger for B-physics.
level trigger for B-physics
Pythia With Respect to B-Physics at LHC Energies
Paralel solution
of TRT tracking
Trigger Menus at Luminosity 1033 cm-2 s-1.
DAQ-NO 055: A
Model for Sequential Processing in the ATLAS LVL2/LVL3 Trigger .
Moose Week in Oxford, Mar'96: Event
Moose Week in CERN, May'96: Event
Display - C++ & VRML
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Jun'96: B-physics
production, tests of dice, defining requirements.
Comparison of Characteristic Features of Different Mechanisms Contributing
to B Production at LHC
Vector Dominance - A Possible Solution of J/psi Surplus Problem
PHYS-NO 089: Second
Level TRT Trigger for B-Physics.
ion physics with ATLAS.
2nd International Conference Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons in Montreal,
Sep'96: B-physics
with ATLAS (paper).
HEPVis'96 CERN: Event
Display at ATLAS.
ATLAS Software Week in NIKHEF, Sep'96: Event
Display at ATLAS.
ATLAS Graphics Meeting in CERN, Sep'96: Event
Display Design.
A/C LVL2 Demonstrator Meeting in Mannheim, Sep'96: TRT
algoriths for global trackig at LVL2.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Sep'96: New ideas for ATLAS b-physics.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Sep'96: B-physics
simulation, present situation, future tasks.
ATRIG Meeting in CERN, Sep'96: B-physics
simulation, present situation, future tasks.
ATLAS Physics Meeting in CERN, Sep'96: Heavy
Ions and Atlas.
Workshop on Muon Trigger in Roma, Oct'96: Promt
muon spectra from b-decays and future tasks for B-physics muon trigger
ATLAS Graphics Meeting in CERN, Nov'96: Event
Display Design - Top Level Design.
ATLAS Graphics Meeting in CERN, Nov'96: Event
Display Design - VRWeb Browser.
ATRIG Meeting in CERN, Nov'96: TRT
algorithm optimisation forLVL2 global scan.
ATRIG Meeting in CERN, Nov'96: B-physics
event detection - data and approaches.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Nov'96: B-physics
Nuclear Science Symposium and Conference in Anaheim/California, Nov'96:
A sequential processing strategy for the ATLAS event selection.
Trigger Meeting in CERN, Dec'96: Histogramming
method with ENABLE++.
ATLAS Software Week in CERN, Feb'97: Event
Display Status.
ATLAS Software Week in CERN, Feb'97: DCE.
ATLAS Graphics Meeting in CERN, Feb'97: Atlas
Event Display Status.
Trigger Meeting in CERN, Feb'97: The
Wave Algorithm for Track Searching.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Feb'97: bb Cross
Section from Pythia.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, Feb'97: Analysis
of Recent FNAL Data on bb Production in Terms of Different Mechanisms.
ATLAS Graphics Meeting in CERN, May'97: Atlas
Event Display Status.
ATLAS WWCG Meeting in CERN, May'97: CERN
DCE Plans.
ATLAS WWCG Meeting in CERN, May'97: Linux
at CERN.
ATLAS Trigger Perfomance Meeting in CERN, May'97: B-Physics
Trigger for TP.
ATLAS Trigger Perfomance Meeting in CERN, May'97: B-Physics
ATLAS Trigger Perfomance Meeting in CERN, May'97: XKALMAN
Tilecal Perfomance Meeting in CERN, May'97: Soft-lepton
tagging using muons (2-5 GeV).
B-physics Meeting in CERN, May'97: Status
of B-physics simulations.
B-physics Meeting in CERN, May'97: Simulation of FNALand LHC bb-production.
ATLAS Software Workshop in Ediburgh, June'97: Distributed
Computing - DCE.
ATLAS Software Workshop in Ediburgh, June'97: Graphics
ATLAS Software Workshop in CERN, September'97: Graphics
ATLAS Week in CERN, September'97: Graphics
Evaluation of
DCE for Atlas Control.
of SUN Studio 1.0Beta.
Graphics Tutorial.
There is also newsgroup cz.fzu.east which
is archived. You
may submit a mail to this newsgroup by sending it to
J.Hrivnac, 14/2/96