LED Sign Fonts
The Font Datafile
If you would like to change the font, all you need to do is change the
letters in the font file . In the
font file, '#' represents "on" LEDs and ' ' (space) represents "off"
LEDs. Making new fonts can be a bit tedious, but I have found a
reasonably easy way to create font files.
- First select a font that looks clean. You'll probably want the
font to be 12pt or less.
- Next go into your favorite graphics program that will allow you
to load that font and type out the entire character set in black on
white in a long vertical column.
- Now save the image as a XPM. "more" the XPM file. You'll see
that the font has been stored in ascii format.
- Change all the "on" pixels to '#' and the "off" pixels to ' '
- Format the file to comply with the font data file format. NOTE:
Letters must be placed in the vertical space how they are to appear
on the sign. Check out the upper case letters in the
font file . Notice how they have two
blank lines below them. This is because they do not go below the
base line like the 'y'.
- Ta Da! A new font!!
The height of the font determines the height of the sign. If the font
is 12 pixels high, then the sign will be 12 LEDs high.
The LED Sign Java applet is written and Copyright 1995 by
Darrick Brown