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- 1
M. Sova, Unix V, Grada (1991)
- 2
P.W. Abrahams, B.R. Larson, Unix for the Impatient, Addison-Wesley Pub.
Comp., (1992)
- 3
O. Barring, D. M. Edsall, An introduction to UNIX for DELPHI users,
DELPHI 93-132 PROG 201
- 4
M. Kratky, Informace U.2 - VI - Ucebnice textoveho editoru, Vyp. stred. Fzu
AV CR (1992)
- 5
K. Havlicek, R. Rozsypal, Pracujeme s VI, Inorga Praha a IBM CSFR, (1992)
- 6
I. Sklenar, Informace T.2 - MAIL - elektronicka posta, Vyp. stred. Fzu AV
CR (1993)
- 7
I.Sklenar, P.Wolf, Elektronicka posta - E MAIL, Stredisko automat.
a vypocet. techniky Fzu AV CR (1993)
- 8
Christian Boissat, Erik Jagel, Gordon Lee, Harry Renshall: CSF User Guide,
December 1993, Version 1.6, CERN Geneva, Switzerland
- 9
P. Kolar, v Sekci fyziky elementarnich castic, (1993)
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projection team, for authors, (1994)