From: Jiri Chyla <> Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 15:03:15 GMT Subject: spoluprace s USA v zakladnich vedach Message-Id: <>
Venujte laskave pozornost nasledujici informaci, ktera se vam muze hodit: From: "Dan Dvorak" <> Message-Id: <> X-Minuet-Version: Minuet 1.0 Beta 17 Reply-To: <> X-Popmail-Charset: IBM 8-Bit To: Subject: COBASE PROGRAM Status: R V priloze zasilam zasady spoluprace s National Academy of Sciences, USA. Aktivity v ramci nize uvedeneho programu jsou otevreny jak akademickym, tak i univerzitnim pracovistim. Prosim jednotlive spravce siti o jejich rozsireni v ramci vysokych skol, respektive fakult. S pozdravem, Dr. Dan Dvorak, zahranicni odbor Akademie ved CR E-mail: COLLABORATION IN BASIC SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (COBASE) PROGRAM FACTSHEET 1995-1996 Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering (COBASE) is funded by the National Science Foundation and administered by the Office for Central Europe and Eurasia of the National Research Council, the operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. The program provides incentive grants to individual American specialists who wish to collaborate with their colleagues in Central/Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU). COBASE offers two types of grants. Short-Term Project Development Grants support American specialists who wish to host or visit their CEE or FSU colleagues for two-week (10-14 days only) periods in order to prepare collaborative research proposals for submission to the National Science Foundation. Long-Term Grants support American specialists who wish to host or visit their CEE or FSU colleagues for familiarization with research for periods of one to six months. Visits developed primarily to present lectures or to organize or attend conferences are outside the scope of the NRC grants programs. ELIGIBILITY _ All applicants must: 1) be U.S. citizens or permanent residents; 2) be affiliated with U.S. institutions; and 3) possess Ph.D. degrees or equivalent research experience. _ Visiting specialists must possess CEE/FSU citizenship and must hold Ph.D. (kandidat) degrees or research training and experience equivalent to a doctoral degree. _ Please do not apply if the foreign specialist you wish to host is already here in the U.S. _ Due to funding limitations, no more than two grants will be awarded per individual in a single four-year period. Also, each set of partners may be awarded no more than one project development visit and one long-term visit. _ American applicants are expected to make all logistical and administrative arrangements directly with their CEE/FSU colleague. _ Although visiting specialists may spend part of their visits at U.S. Government facilities, the program does not generally support the travel of U.S. Government employees. _ Specialists who have received their doctoral degrees within the past six years will receive special consideration, as will specialists applying to work with colleagues in less frequently represented countries and regions. PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia (hosting only), Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. ACCEPTED FIELDS Only basic science fields generally funded by the National Science Foundation are eligible, including archaeology and anthropology; astronomy; biochemistry, biophysics and genetics; biological sciences; chemistry; computer science; earth sciences; economics; engineering; environmental sciences; geography; history and philosophy of science; linguistics; mathematics; physics; political science; non-clinically oriented psychology; science and technology policy; and sociology. No proposals involving agricultural production; drug testing or development; research on the diagnosis, etiology or treatment of physical or mental diseases or disorders; or the use of animal models of human diseases or conditions will be accepted. Proposals outside the scope of the program will not be considered. SELECTION The evaluation of each proposal will take into account: 1) applicant's technical abilities (scientific accomplishments to date, including significance of publications in peer-reviewed journals and independent research); 2) quality of the proposed project (specificity and significance of the projects's objectives, including expected contributions to the specific discipline and to the greater scientific community); and 3) feasibility of carrying out the proposed project (capabilities of proposed hosts in the research area, including availability of required facilities; ability of visitor to work in a Western environment; and ability of visitor to communicate effectively with colleagues). APPLICATION PROCEDURES (original application plus 4 copies must be submitted) If applying to HOST, please submit the following in the order listed: _ form entitled COBASE GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION 1995-1996 _ form entitled Visiting Specialist Information _ 3-4 page statement describing your proposed project and specifying objectives to be achieved and methods to be used _ American specialist's curriculum vitae _ American specialist's list of 5-10 of his/her recent publications relevant to the proposed project/research (please do not attach any other publication information) _ visiting specialist's curriculum vitae _ visiting specialist's list of 5-10 of his/her recent publications relevant to the proposed project/research _ one-page statement by your visitor describing his/her background, accomplishments, and research interests and relating them to the proposed collaborative project _ budget/general outline of funds, including any other support, applied for or received, which would support your visitor during the period of the intended collaboration _ relevant documentation to the effect that the visiting specialist will have an opportunity to effectively utilize the experience he/she acquires in the U.S. upon returning home; this should include letter(s) from the visiting specialist's home institution or other organizations which indicate that he/she will return to an appropriate position upon completion of the program _ copies of correspondence from the visiting specialist which indicate his/her willingness to engage in the proposed collaborative activity _ form entitled Statement of Responsibilities If applying to TRAVEL, please submit the following in the order listed: _ form entitled COBASE GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION 1995-1996 _ 3-4 page statement describing your proposed project and specifying objectives to be achieved and methods to be used _ American specialist's curriculum vitae _ American specialist's list of 5-10 of his/her recent publications relevant to the proposed project/research (please do not include any other publication information) _ budget/general outline of funds, including any other support, applied for or received, to support your work during the period of the intended collaboration _ list of the specialists (and their affiliations and duration of visit) with whom the American specialist plans to collaborate _ copies of correspondence from American specialist's colleague(s) which indicate his/her willingness to engage in the proposed collaborative activity, to assist in securing appropriate housing, visa support, and to ensure the necessary working conditions _ written statement that the NRC grant will not be used to cover overhead or other indirect charges assessed by the host institution FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Project Development Grants American Host will receive fixed grant for living expenses and travel for the visiting specialist of: $2,200 American Traveler will receive fixed grant for his/her living expenses and travel of: $2,200 Long-Term Grants The NRC bases the total grant amount on the financial breakdown below. This schedule is merely a suggested allocation of the total award. Awards will not exceed the maximum levels shown below. American Host will receive fixed grant for travel of visiting specialist: $1,500 Monthly living allowance: $2,000/mo. Monthly research allowance for scientific supplies, computer/lab fees: $ 300/mo. American Traveler will receive fixed grant for travel: $1,500 Monthly living allowance: $1,200/mo. Monthly research allowance for scientific supplies, books, computer/lab fees, and pre-trip language training: $ 300/mo. GRANT CONDITIONS _ The grant recipient will be entitled to 90% of his/her grant one month prior to the beginning date of his/her visit. The final 10% will be disbursed upon receipt of a report of the visit in accordance with NRC trip report guidelines. This report is due within three months of the completion of the visit. _ Should other funds become available to support the program, the grantee will promptly advise the NRC. The NRC may adjust the size of the grant accordingly. _ All grants will be disbursed either to the individual grant recipient or to his/her institution. When funds are disbursed directly to the American grant recipient, the NRC is required by law to report the funds to the IRS as 1099 income. _ NRC grants will not cover any overhead or other indirect charges assessed by universities (or by other institutional organizations). The American specialist who is applying through his/her institution must certify in writing that such charges will be waived. _ The NRC will have no responsibility for costs incurred beyond those covered in the grant. _ Should the actual duration of the program be less than the proposed duration, the grant recipient will return to the NRC a proportional amount of the total grant. _ As required by the U.S. government's Fly America Act and NRC policy, if the grantee uses NRC funds for air travel, he/she must use a U.S. carrier for his/her own or visiting colleague's transoceanic travel. The NRC strongly advises grantees to use the services of National Academies Travel (800-235-2210). _ All NRC grants are subject to U.S. government policy; funds will not be issued for collaboration with restricted or embargoed countries. _ NRC grants do not provide for salary replacement. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS At the completion of the visit the American specialist will be asked to submit a report that details and evaluates the collaboration. PROGRAM POSTMARKING DEADLINES LONG-TERM VISITS July 7, 1995 (for visits during 1996) PROJECT DEVELOPMENT VISITS April 21, 1995 (for visits beginning after July 1, 1995) August 11, 1995 (for visits beginning after November 1, 1995) December 29, 1995 (for visits beginning after April 1, 1996) PLEASE MAIL ORIGINAL AND FOUR COPIES OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION PACKET TO: NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Office for Central Europe and Eurasia 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW (FO 2014) Washington, DC 20418 Telephone: 202-334-2644 Fax: 202-334-2614 E-Mail: OCEE@NAS.EDU Updated 1/10/95 Dr. Dan Dvorak E-mail: Office of the Academy of Sciences CR or: Foreign Relations Department Phone: +42(0)2 242 20 384 Narodni 3 Ext: 417 111 42 Prague 1 Fax: +42(0)2 242 40 531 CZECH REPUBLIC Telex: 121 040 acad c