From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 20:56:16 GMT
Subject: ATLAS-Physics+ v Tresti
Message-Id: <>
ATLAS-Physics+ in Trest
ATLAS -Physics -Workshop in Trest (HEXAM'95)
You may find this announcement on the WWW under the address
o Meeting Site
o Registration
o Scientific Committee
o Program
o Travel
Meeting Site
The Workshop will take place in the Trest castle in the Czech Republic.
It is about 150 km from Prague or 150 km from Vienna.
The registration fee will be about 600 CHF. You may register by filling
in the registration form as soon as possible and before April 1. Number
of places in the Castle is limited. If you need more information,
contact: Olga Krepelova, Julius Hrivnac or Vladislav Simak (for people
without WWW:,,
Scientific Committee
o P.Jenni, F.Dydak
o D.Froidevaux
o K.Einsweiler
o V.Simak (local organizer)
o Sunday - Arrival and Registration
o Monday - Review
o Theory
o Experiments:
o D0
o Tuesday-Wednesday - ATLAS Physics
o Higgs
o B-Physics
o Top
o Heavy Ions
o Other Searches Beyond SM
o Thursday - Detectors Optimization
o Inner Detector
o Calorimetry
o Muon Detector
o Forward/Backward Detectors
o DAQ & Trigger
o Software
o Friday - Conclusion and Summary
Detailed program will be available after the April ATLAS-Week.
It is assumed that all participamts arrive to Prague on Sunday. Buses to
Trest (about 150 km from Prague) will leave at about 17:00. After the
conference the buses will leave to Prague Friday afternoon. You can also
come by car directly from Vienna (150 km) or Munich. There will be
possibility to stay in Prague either before or after the meeting.
Next information will be issued in April.
Registration for ATLAS Physics+ Meeting in Trest
If you cannot use forms in WWW or if you are reading this announcemet
from the plain file (not via WWW), you may fill the form and send to the by E-mail.
Registration fee: 600 CHF/person. This also cover full board and logging
in the Castle and transport from Prague and back.
o Family Name:
o First Name:
o Institution:
o Street Address:
o City/State/Country/Zip or Postal Code:
o Email address:
o Phone number:
o Fax number:
o Number of accompanying persons:
o Arrival time:
o Arrival place:
o I would like to present a talk:
From: Karel Piska <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 20:38:46 GMT
Subject: Co asi nebude fungovat
Message-Id: <>
Streda 25.1.95 Napracovaly v rezimu X-Windows (nebo vubec)
stanice SUN6, HP18, HP157
Co muzeme ocekavat nasledujici dny?
Ctvrtek 26.1.95 muzeme ocekavat zmenu -
Krome vypnuteho Sunu6 nebude asi fungovat SUN7
(a HP18 a HP157 snad budou v poradku)
Jmenem zodpovednych za vypocetni techniku
se omlouva K.Piska
From: K.Piska <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 14:45:20 GMT
Subject: Vypnuti sun7 25.1.95 v 18.00
Message-Id: <>
Vazeni uzivatele!
Stanice sun6 nefunguje a byla vypnuta.
Dnes 25.1.95 v 18.00 bude kratce vypnuta stanice sun7,
aby bylo mozne provest prepojeni disku.
Zpusobi to docasne preruseni moznosti prace i na ostatnich
stanicich sekce.
Nejmene do te doby se patrne rovnez nepodari zprovoznit
stanice HP.
Prosim, omluvte tuto dalsi (a urcite ne posledni))
Karel Piska