From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 21:14:36 GMT
Subject:  TeleConference - Current Status in the Search for the Top Quark
Message-Id: <>

A seminar will be transmitted this week: -

Current Status in the Search for the Top Quark
Thursday, March 2nd 13:30 to 16:30 CST

(note the time change from previous announcement)

The seminar will be transmitted using nv and vat with a ttl
of 191.

"Both the CDF and DZero collaborations will be describing the
current status of the search for the top quark in seminars at
Fermilab on Thursday, Mar. 2.     After the seminars are over
members of the collaborations will be available  to meet with
the press".


- Kipp -                                                    |/
o o
| H.A. Kippenhan Jr.               |   Internet:         Kippenhan@FNAL.GOV |
| HEP Network Resource Center      |   HEPnet/NSI DECnet:  FNDCD::KIPPENHAN |
| Fermi National Accelerator Lab.  |   BITnet:       Kippenhan@FNDCD.BITNET |
| P.O. Box 500   MS: FCC-3E/368    |   Telephone:            (708) 840-8068 |
| Batavia, Illinois 60510          |   FAX:                  (708) 840-8463 |
| All opinions & ideas expressed are mine alone,   and may not necessarily  |
| reflect those of Fermilab, Univ. Research Assoc., or the Dept. of Energy  |

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