Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 19:54:50 GMT
Subject:  FYI- DECUS Sessions Multicast on the MBone
Message-Id: <>

>  REM-Conf posting
From:  Julius Hrivnac <>

> --Boundary (ID qTelRbs8QtyW1cF8OOjK3Q)
> --Boundary (ID qTelRbs8QtyW1cF8OOjK3Q)
> Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822
> Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 14:07:38 GMT
> Subject: REM-Conf posting
> Sender:
> Importance: normal
> A1-type: DOCUMENT
> DECUS '95/Washington, D.C. to Multicast over the Internet
> A number of selected sessions at DECUS '95/Washington, D.C. are scheduled to
> be multicast over the Internet utilizing the Multicast Backbone (MBone)
> protocol and transmission process.
> This pilot program will showcase just a few of the many timely and
> beneficial offerings presented at DECUS '95/Washington, D.C. via a live,
> world wide, audio/video feed.
> It is anticipated that viewers may participate in interactive question and
> answer sessions following presentations via the Internet Chat Line over IRC
> channel #DECUS.
> Featured presentations are expected to include keynote sessions provided by:
>    Enrico Pesatori, vice president and general manager of the Computer
>    Systems Division of Digital Equipment Corporation - Monday, May 8
>    - 08:30 EDT (12:30 GMT).
>    Dr. Bill Hancock, leading authority on networking and security, and
>    executive vice president of Network-1 - Tuesday, May 9 - 08:00 EDT (12:00
>    GMT).
>    Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web - Wednesday,
>    May 10 - 08:00 EDT (12:00 GMT).
>    Marc Andreessen, developer of the Mosaic browser, and vice president
>    of technology for Netscape Communications - Thursday, May 11 -
>    08:00 EDT (12:00 GMT).
> In addition, a tape delayed presentation of the session "Linux: Past,
> Present, and Future", delivered by Linux developer Linus Torvalds, will be
> multicast over the MBone on Wednesday, May 10 at 14:30 EDT (18:30 GMT).
> There will be no IRC question and answer support for this session.
> More information is available via URL
> --Boundary (ID qTelRbs8QtyW1cF8OOjK3Q)--

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