From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 09:20:49 GMT
Subject:  TeleConference
Message-Id: <>

NIKHEF is pleased to announce the MBone retransmission of the HEPIX
spring 95 meeting held in Prague from the 31st of May till the 2nd
of June 1995.

We've planned to retransmit the sessions in five days from the 19th of
June till the 23rd of June 1995. Transmissions will take place from
16:00 till 19:00 GMT/UTC.

The sessions will be announced in sd with a ttl of 127.
Vat (pcm) will be used for audio and nv (128kbps) will be used for video.

If there are any conflicts on these days or questions/remarks, please
contact Herman van Dompseler (e-mail:

For more information and the agenda see:


We are planing an Mbone presentation June 23 - July 4 at
TTL127.  Expected program material includes the first
Shuttle docking with the Russian Station MIR.  The mission
duration is 10days, 19hours.  The launch of STS-71 was
originally slipped behind the launch of STS-70 because
of a delay in the launch of the Russian Spektr laboratory
module to the Russian space station MIR.  The launch is
June 23, 5:08p.m. EDT.  We will be using nv for the entire
broadcast.  If there are conflicts with other scheduled
uses of the Mbone please e-mail or call Dave Meyers at (415)604-0735.

Gary Paden NASA-Ames/Sterling
Video Technician
Code:IDN VTS Group

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