From: Justin Eng <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 21:44:31 GMT
Subject:  (no subject)
Message-Id: <>

My name is Stephen Yang.  I am a student at the University of California
at Santa Barbara, and I have a special interest in the Czech republic.
I need you to go into Prague and see if you can find a
seventeen-year-old girl whose name is Jitka Pokladnikova among the
millions of people there.  If you do find her, give her my address.
Box 12210, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
Tell her that Steve from Paly is trying to locate her.  Thank you very
If you would like to respond, my e-mail address is:
Again, thank you kindly.

From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 12:11:11 GMT
Subject:  AFS v Praze
Message-Id: <>

Dobry den,
na vsech HPckach a na SUNu 4 jsem nainstaloval
AFS (Andrew File System). Nyni mame pristup ke vsem souborum
z CERNu a DESY (a z mnoha jinych mist) primo od svych obrazovek.

Podrobnejsi informace jsou na adrese:

Ne vsechno jeste funguje k uplne spokojenosti, prosim
o trpelivost - na problemech pracuji.


# E-mail - internet:         <<<--- use this !!!        #
#                                                      #
#          bitnet  : hrivnac@cernvm                 <<<--- or  this !!!        #
# WWW    - <A HREF=>J.H.</A>   #
# S-mail: PPE Division; bldg.602,R-018; CERN; 1211 Geneve; Switzerland         #
# voice: (022)-767-3170                                                        #