From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 12:43:32 GMT
Subject:  CERN MBONE Announcement: LEP 1.5 Seminar
Message-Id: <>

CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics)
would like to broadcast
over the MBONE a joint seminar by the LEP collaborations
on first results from the LEP 1.5 run.

This seminar will be held on Tuesday 12th December at 15:30 (UTC+1) and
will last about 2 hours.

The session will be advertised in sd session directory as:

"CERN LEP 1.5 Seminar"

vat (audio) and nv (video) will be used with ttl 127.

In case of questions or problems about this broadcast please contact:


This message is sent to distribution lists, sorry if you receive it twice.

Best regards,
Christian Isnard                                     CERN - CN/CS/EN       European Laboratory for Particle Physics
Computers and Networks division      CH-1211 Geneva 23 - Switzerland


# E-mail - internet:         <<<--- use this !!!        #
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#          bitnet  : hrivnac@cernvm                 <<<--- or  this !!!        #
# WWW    - <A HREF=>J.H.</A>   #
# S-mail: PPE Division; bldg.602,R-018; CERN; 1211 Geneve; Switzerland         #
# voice: (022)-767-3170                                                        #