From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 10:13:59 GMT
Subject:  C++ Course (P.Kunz)
Message-Id: <>

Pro ty, kteri maji v umyslu pouzivat softwer na nekterem budoucim
experimentu velice doporucuji nize uvedeny kurz.

---------- Forwarded message from <> on Thu, 4 Jan 96 21:30:43 +0100 -----------
> Please note that it is proposed that Paul Kunz will give his C++
> course on 18-22 March. This pre-announcement is being made as a final
> check to make sure that these dates do not clash with other major
> events (ATLAS, CMS weeks, school holidays, etc.) that would prevent
> significant numbers of people attending. Please let me know as soon
> as possible if you know of any such clashes.
> Here are the course proposal details. Note that Paul will be giving
> the 5 day option.
>    BaBar C++ Course
>    The BaBar C++ course was developed for the BaBar collaboration.
> The course is designed for a target audience of particle physicists
> who are active in programming simulation, reconstruction, and/or
> analysis code.  Below is a summary of particulars of the course.
> - Prerequisites
>    The only prerequiest is experience in computer programming.  In
> particular, no prior knowledge of the C language is needed.
> Programming experience entirely in Fortran is adequate.
> - Format
>    The course consists of six lectures of about 1.5 hours each.
> However, it would be prudent to reserve a two hour time slot for each
> lecture.  Some of the sessions will run over by 10-15 minutes if
> there
> are lots of questions during the lecture. The lectures are best
> scheduled in the morning when students are more alert.
>    If the course is given over a short period of time then students
> should be prepared to spend a lot of time during that period reading
> the text book and reviewing the lectures.  Scheduling a late
> afternoon
> informal discussion session can be useful.
>    If the course is given in five days then the first two lectures
> can
> be given on the first day.  These lectures have a large overlap with
> the C language.  Alternatively, The course could start on a
> Wednesday,
> take a weekend break and finish the following Wednesday with one
> lecture per day.   This gives the students a breather.
> - Transparencies
>    PostScript versions of the transparencies, printed two-up, are
> available from
> or via AFS
> 	/afs/
> s.Z
> where `n' is 1-6.  There are 188 transparences all together.
>    Note that an older version of the transparencies are available via
> the BaBar Web pages.  These correspond to the first version of the
> course and the BaBar video tapes, but no longer correspond to the
> current version.
> - Content
>    The course starts with the very basics and ends with sosphicated
> example of tracking code.  The content of each lecture is roughly the
> following...
>    o session 1: basic declarations, conditional structure, operators.
>    o session 2: pointers and functions.
>    o session 3: introduction to classes including operator
> overloading
>      using 3-Vector from CLHEP as example.
>    o session 4; more on classes with arrays and lists and including
>      templates.
>    o session 5: introduction to inheritance and complete physics
>      analysis.
>    o session 6: more on inheritance with polymorphic classes from
> Gismo.
> - Class size
>    Since the course is intended to be a class, a maxiumum of 30-40
> students is recommended.  With this number, questions can be asked
> during the lecture.  With a much larger class size, questions tended
> to
> be inhibited.
> - Text book.
>    The choosen text book is
> 	John J. Barton and Lee R. Nackman
> 	Scientific and Engineering C++
> 	Addison-Wesley
> 	IBSN: 0-201-53393-6
> This book is not always easy to find in local book stores.  It has
> goten good reviews and seems to be very popular.  At least in the
> U.S., the publisher offers discount of 10% for government orders of
> 5-24 books and 22% for 25-49 books.  About half the lectures follow
> examples from the text book, the other half uses examples of code
> written by particle physicists.
> - The World Wide Web pages for the text book are at
> 	xw-SoftwareTechnology-books-SciEng-AboutSciEng.html
> >From there, one can get pointers to the ftp address to obtain source
> code for all the examples shown in the text book.  I suggest a copy
> be
> installed at
> 	/usr/local/doc/C++Class/SciEng/
> from where students can make selected copies in their own area.
> - Examples are also taken from the Class Library for HEP (CLHEP),
> thus
> it would be useful to have this library installed as well.  The
> latest
> sources can be found at
> - To use the examples, a C++ compiler should be installed.  The C++
> language specification is now been finalized and compilers are
> catching up with the standard.  For most of the examples, any UNIX
> vendor's compiler should be sufficient.  The Free Software
> Foundation's compiler (gcc) is also sufficient and available free
> from
> and many other sites.  If gcc is to be used, be sure to also install
> libg++ as it contains the standard C++ I/O classes.
> - This course is not a "hands-on" style course.  Only one practical
> exercise is suggested in the lectures.  The students are expected to
> take their own intiatives in getting started.
> - by the end of the course, one should be able to read, in principle,
> any C++ code written for HEP.

# E-mail - internet:         <<<--- use this !!!        #
#                                                      #
#          bitnet  : hrivnac@cernvm                 <<<--- or  this !!!        #
# WWW    - <A HREF=>J.H.</A>   #
# S-mail: PPE Division; bldg.602,R-018; CERN; 1211 Geneve; Switzerland         #
# voice: (022)-767-3170                                                        #

From: Olga Krepelova <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 08:29:36 GMT
Subject:  seminar
Message-Id: <>


na seminar Sekce fyziky elementarnich castic FZU AV CR

Michal Prouza - student gymnazia, Zborovska 45, Praha 5

"Nova mereni gravitacniho posuvu fotonu"

Seminar bude venovan podrobne informaci o praci, o niz byla verejnost
informovana v clanku, nazvanem "Student objevil, jak potvrdit teorii
relativity", MF Dnes 9.11.1995. Zminena prace, nazvana "The New Measure-
ment of Gravitational Shift" popisuje novy zpusob mereni jednoho
z fundamentalnich efektu obecne teorie relativity - gravitacniho posuvu
fotonu - pomoci metody, vyuzivajici frekvencne stabilizovanych laseru.
Vysledky teto nove metody budou porovnany s vysledky, ziskavanymi
standardnimi metodami.

Seminar se bude konat v pondeli 15.1.1996 v 15.00 hod., v mistnosti
c.226, ve druhem patre budovy FZU AV CR, Na Slovance 2, Praha 8.

M. Bednar