From: J.Hrivnac <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 12:36:45 GMT
Subject:  Editory HTML
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Dobry den,
na HP jsem nainstaloval dva nove editory html:
relax a xhtml. 

From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 10:44:54 GMT
Subject:  ATLAS approval
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Date:         Wed, 31 Jan 96 19:14:27 WET
Subject:      ATLAS approval
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Dear Colleagues,
I am very glad to announce that following the
recommendations of the LHCC and of the Research Board the CERN
Director-General Prof C H Llewellyn Smith has decided today to
approve the ATLAS and CMS projects. This approval is within the
framework specified in the memorandum reproduced below.

An important element is that at this stage the final cost
ceiling is not yet specified, it will be set before the end of
the year. The ceiling will in no case be more than 475 MCHF (1995).

With this event a very major step towards the exciting LHC
physics has been made, and I hope that all of us in ATLAS will
proudly remember this day in the future.

Best regards,

Peter Jenni


Geneva, 31st January 1996


To   : M Della Negra (Spokesman of CMS) and P Jenni (Spokesman of ATLAS)

cc   : L Foa, E Iarocci

>From : Professor C H Llewellyn Smith, Director-General

Subject : Approval of ATLAS and CMS

Ref. : DG/mnd/1596

I have decided to approve the ATLAS and CMS projects, together with
the plans, including milestones, leading to the Subsystem Technical
Design Reports (TDRs). Project approval will be completed by the
specification of cost ceilings (see below) later this year.
Before proceeding to the final construction phase, each subsystem
will be subject to a detailed review (see below) based on the TDRs.
The overall status of both projects will be reviewed on a regular basis,
and Technical Project Reports will be required within the framework of
the LHC Project Review, foreseen for 1997.

This approval incorporates the various conditions proposed by the
Research Board, as described in the conclusions of its meeting on
7th December 1995, and the Recommendations of the LHCC
(CERN/LHCC 95-76; LHCCM-7) which include a specification of the
plans and milestones. In particular:

1. The detectors must be built inside cost ceilings. Until the design
is completely frozen, any cost overrun in some element must be dealt
with by reducing the performance of that subsystem or finding
compensating reductions in some other subsystem. It is not possible
to set these ceilings at present, pending clarification of substantial
uncertainties that remain concerning some contributions. They
will be set before the end of the year, and will in no case be more
than 475 MCHF (1995).

2. Before proceeding to the final construction phase, each subsystem
will be subject to a technical, financial, and manpower review by the
LHCC based on the Technical Design Report. These Reports must
incorporate all the elements stipulated by the LHCC, which include
precise costings that must be consistent with the overall cost
ceiling and inside the envelope of available resources.

3. Both collaborations must continue their current practice of
consulting the CERN Directorate as part of the procedure for
appointing spokesmen. The Technical and Financial Co-ordinators will
be appointed in agreement with CERN and will be (or temporarily become,
if exceptionally seconded from elsewhere) CERN Staff Members.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations
to the ATLAS and CMS collaborations for the excellent work they have
done. I now look forward to witnessing the realization of your plans,
and to the first physics results.

Chris Llewellyn Smith
