From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 19:23:21 GMT
Subject:  Atlas Physics and Plenary Meeting
Message-Id: <>

CERN is pleased to announce the MBONE broadcast of the

ATLAS Physics working group meeting and Plenary meetings

on Thursday/Friday 6/7 March 1997
from the CERN Auditorium

Provisional Agenda:

>>> Times are UTC+1 <<<

Thursday 6 March 1997

09h00 to 13h00    Physics working group

14h00 to 18h00    Plenary meeting I

Friday 7 March 1997

09h00 to 13h00    Plenary meeting II

The broadcast is announced via sdr as "CERN ATLAS". vat and vic
will be used with a ttl of 127.

In case of questions or problems please contact <>.

Best regards,
Martin Fluckiger & Christian Isnard                  CERN - CN/CS/EN       European Laboratory for Particle Physics
Computers and Networks division      CH-1211 Geneva 23 - Switzerland

From: PRAgue High Energy Physics group <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 08:36:34 GMT
Subject:  schuze sekce I
Message-Id: <>

Pravidelna schuze sekce se bude konat v pondeli 10.3.97
od 14,- hod. v mistnosti c. 226.