From: Michal Kratky <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 13:20:08 GMT
Subject: vypadek Sunu2
Message-Id: <>
Ve stredu v 17:30 asi na hodinu vypnu Sun2. Sit stejne
Michal Kratky
From: Marta Razova <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 13:14:59 GMT
Subject: seminar Barbieri
Message-Id: <>
Seminar prof. Barbieriho se bude konat dne 17.3, v
17,00 hod na AV CR Narodni 3, 2 patro. mistnost c. 206.
Tema: Institution and man in extreme situations: the polar
expeditions of Umberto Nobile by the airships Norge and
Italia in 1926-1928 (in English).
From: Pavel Kolar <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 12:40:32 GMT
Subject: seminar 17.3.
Message-Id: <>
V pondeli 17.3.1997 ve 14,30 hod v mistnosti 226 se uskutecni neformalni
Analyticke vypocty na pocitaci (uvodni informace).
Pavel Kolar
Pavel Kolar
From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 11:33:23 GMT
Subject: MBONE Announcement of CHEP97
Message-Id: <>
DESY is pleased to announce the MBONE broadcast
of CHEP'97 Plenary meetings from Berlin on April 7-11,1997.
Date: 7-11 April, 1997
Time: 9:00 - 18:00 MET
To get more information about CHEP97 conference program, please
look at URL
The MBONE broadcast is announced via SDR tool as "CHEP'97 - Plenary
Sessions from Berlin, Germany".
In case of problems or questions please send a message to
Best regards,