From: Vaclav Janis <> Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 06:25:01 GMT Subject: seminar Message-Id: <>
Seminar teoretickeho oddeleni: 10. 7. 1997, 14 hod., prednaskovy sal Slovanka Tema: Renormalization of Hamiltonians: Method and Examples Prednasejici: Dr. A. Mielke (Universita Heidelberg) Abstrakt: Using continuous unitary transformations, it is possible to obtain flow equations for Hamiltonians. Such a method is useful e.g. for problems in condensed matter physics or in high energy physics for the description of bound states. It has been applied to dissipative quantum systems, to problems of interacting electrons or to electrons interacting with phonons in condensed matter physics, and as well to bound state problems in QCD. We will give an introduction to the method and we will show how this method is applied to the electron-phonon problem.