From: "Joaquin Marro" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 16:20:20 GMT
Subject:  CCP 1998
Message-ID: <>

Could you please distribute all or part of the information
below about a world physics conference which may be of
interest to many of the Czech Mathematicians and Physicists?

------------------------ SUMMARY: ----------------------------

Granada, Spain, September 2-5 1998.

The first EPS-IUPAP conference of a new series which
continues the tradition of both the APS-EPS "Physics
Computing" conferences (... Crakow 1996, Santa Cruz
1997) and the Asian "ICCP" conferences
(... Singapore 1997).

The CCP 1998 aims to cover all fields of computational
physics and, in particular, Modelling Collective
Phenomena in Complex Systems including Biology,
Chemistry, Economy, Geology and Sociology.

For more information, visit the Web site
or send an empty message to
or contact
J. Marro, Instituto Carlos I
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada,
18071-Granada, Spain

-------------------- UPDATED INFORMATION: ----------------

Please read the information below about the CCP 1998, an
interesting Physics Conference in Granada.

We'd appreciate if you could help spread the word about this

Please forgive us if you receive this message more than once.

September 2-5 1998, GRANADA (Spain)

Sponsored by the European Physical Society, the International
Union of Pure and Applied Physics, and the American Physical

Organized by the EPS Computational Physics Board and the
Institute Carlos I for Theoretical and Computational Physics of
the University of Granada

The CCP 1998, to he held at the Exhibition and Conference Centre
in Granada, initiates a new series that continues the tradition
of both the APS-EPS Physics Computing conferences (Boston 1989,
Amsterdam 1990, San José 1991, Prague 1992, Albuquerque 1993,
Lugano 1994, Pittsburgh 1995, Krakow 1996, Santa Cruz 1997), and
the Asian ICCP conferences (Beijing 1988 and 1993, Taiwan 1995
and Singapore 1997), some of which have also been supported by
the IUPAP.


The CCP 1998 is planned to cover ALL fields of Computational
Physics and, in particular, Modelling Collective Phenomena in
Complex Systems, including Biology, Chemistry, Economy,
Environmental Sciences, Geology and Sociology. That is, a principal
aim is to favour contacts and the exchange of ideas and methods
between these different fields of science. Therefore, the final
program will consist of invited lectures and other contributions on

Computer-aided Simulation and Modelling

Novel Monte Carlo Methods, Novel Methods in Fluid Dynamics,
Quantum Computing Methods, High Performance Visualization,
Large Scale Computing Systems, Symbolic Modelling, ...

And their Applications to

Condensed Matter and Materials Science, Statistical
Physics, Nonlinear and Adaptive Systems, Astronomy and
Cosmology, High Energy Physics and Accelerators, Nuclear
and Plasma Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,
Environmental and Geological Phenomena, Pattern
Recognition and Classification, Artificial Intelligence
and Neural nets, Industry such as Modeling Industrial
Devices, Materials and Processes, ...

Preliminary list of speakers and topics (when confirmed):

Albano E. (La Plata); MC simulations of irreversible reaccion
proceses: phase transit., oscill. and propag. of chemical waves;
Allen M.(Bristol), Simulations and theories of liquid crystals;
Andrade J.S. (Ceara);
Andreoni W. (IBM-Zurich);
Autin B. (CERN), Symbolic modeling of high energy beam optics;
Banavar J.R. (Pennsylvania), On river networks;
Barkema G. (Julich), Towards long-time dynamics of disordered
Bastea S. (Michigan), Particle simulation of the Boltzmann-Vlasov
Batrouni G. (Nice), Dual quantum MC for Bosonic Hubbard Models;
Benettin G.(Padova);
Biehl M. (Wuerzburg), A simple model of slope selection and
coarsening in epitaxial growth;
Binder K. (Mainz), Understanding the glass trans. and the amorphous
state of matter: can computer simulation solve the challenge?;
Bonilla L.L. (Madrid), Complex dynamics in semiconductor
Bowler K. (Edinburgh), Lattice QCD;
Cannas S.A. (Cordoba);
Ceperley D. (UIUC);
Chakraborty B. (Brandeis), Modelling the glass transition;
Ciccotti G. (Roma);
Coppersmith S. (Chicago);
Cordero P. (Santiago de Chile), NonNewtonian Boltzmann-Grad
hydrodynamics: theory and microscopic simulations;
Davis J. (Livermore Nat. Lab.);
Derrida B. (Paris), Selection of velocity and shape of propagating
Dickman R. (UFSC, Florianopolis);
Dippel S. (Julich);
Domany E. (Weizmann), On protein folding or clustering of data;
Donnelly D (CIP; New York);
Droz M. (Geneva), Cellular automata and modeling of physical
Ebeling W. (Berlin), Modelling and simulations of complex systems
(including economical) - From individual to collective Dynamics;
Evertz H.G. (Wuerzburg), Quantum simulations: the loop algorithm;
Fernandez J.F. (CSIC-Zaragoza), Algorithms for generating good
exponential and Gaussian random numbers;
Fratzl P. (Vienna), Microscopic modelling of phase separation
associated with elastic strains;
Gomez-Martin R. (Granada);
Gubernatis J.E. (Los Alamos Nat. Lab.), Constrained-path Monte
Havlin S. (Ramat Gan), Scaling in economics systems;
Jain S. (Bangalore), Collective behavior in evolutionary games;
Janke W. (Mainz);
Jauslin H.R. (Bourgogne), Grid methods, Hilbert space basis and Laczos
algorithms for simulations of quantum dynamics: applications to the
control of molecular processes by strong laser pulses;
Kalos M.H. (Cornell); Correlated walkers for continuum systems in
Fermion Monte Carlo;
Kiwi K. (UC Chile);
Kolinski A. (Warsaw), High coordination lattice models in the
protein folding problem;
Landau D.P. (Georgia), Kinetic MC simulations of nonequilibrium
film growth;
Lomdhal P. (Los Alamos Nat. Lab.);
Mareschal M. (Bruxelles), Characterization of statistical
properties in non-equilibrium fluids by NEMD;
Mendoza C. (IVIC Venezuela), The IRON project};
Oliveira P.M.C. (Fluminense);
Peliti L. (Napoli);
Penna T. (Boston); Computer simulation of biological aging;
Puri S. (New Delhi);
Queiroz S. (Niteroi), Numerical transfer-matrix studies of
dilute Ising systems};
Rieger H. (Julich), Disordered systems near quantum critical points;
Ritort F. (Barcelona);
Sanz-Serna J.M. (Valladolid), The numerical simulation of
Hamiltonian problems;
Schreiber M. (Chemnitz), Multifractal analysis of electronic states
at the metal-insulator transition in disordered materials};
Schwartz L. (SD Research Ridgefield), Computational physics in the
petroleum industry;
Sokal A. (New York);
Soler J. (Granada);
Sourlas N. (ENS), Simulations of disorderd spin systems;
Stanley H.E. (Boston);
Tamarit F.A. (Cordoba, Ar.);
Telo da Gama M. (Lisboa), Strongly dipolar fluids: a computational and
theoretical challenge;
Toxvaerd S. (Copenhague), Chemical reactions and phase separation
in condensed fluids simulated by Molecular Dynamics;
Tran T-M (Lausanne), Global nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations with
realistic magnetic equilibria;
Van den Broeck C. (Limburgs);
Wang J-S (Singapore);
Weingarten D. (IBM-Watson), Lattice quantum chromodynamics};
Yeomans J. (Oxford), Lattice Boltzmann simulations of complex
Zannetti M. (Salerno), Phase ordering dynamics;
Ziff R. (Michigan).

In addition to invited lectures and oral and poster contributions,
we are planning industrial and commercial exhibits and technical
presentations, e.g., educational and scientific software, computers
and workstations, and emerging technologies concerning computing
and networking.

Science is expected to meet computation at the CCP 1998!

A social programme, and post conference tours, will be offered.


A camera-ready one-page abstract, including title, author
name(s), affiliation and address(es), should be submitted no
later than May 1st, 1998 either by airmail or preferably by e-mail
using LaTeX format. Further instructions are available at or by mail or e-mail (see addresses
below) upon request.

Contributions accepted will be allocated either short oral or
poster presentations. All accepted abstracts are planned to
appear in a pre-conference book. It is likely that conference
proceedings including selected contributions will be published.


Junior scientists are encouraged to participate. The
organization offers both reduced fees and special housing rates
to attendees who have particular need of support, including
scientists from Eastern European countries. There are also some
grants to which you may apply; see further details at

If you would like reduced fees and/or housing at the students
residence, please apply soon and enclose a letter citing any
extenuating circumstances that would support your request.

We shall be happy to supply a letter of invitation to the
conference upon request.



Conference on Computational Physics - CCP 1998
c/o Prof. Raúl Toral
Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados
Campus UIB
E - 07071 - Palma de Mallorca

Telefax: +34 - 71 - 173 426
Phone: - 173 235

Registration, Hotel Reservation, Exhibits, etc:

FASE 20 Congresos
calle Sevilla 6 (local 4)
E - 18003 - GRANADA (SPAIN)

Telefax: + 34 - 58 - 295 424 and - 277 710
Phone: - 293 211 (Ms Charo Puentes) and - 277 700

Further Information:

Conference on Computational Physics - CCP 1998
c/o  Prof. Joaquín Marro
Instituto Carlos I
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
E - 18071 - GRANADA (SPAIN)

Telefax: + 34 - 58 - 242 862 and - 246 387
Phone: - 242 860
URL: and

Updated information may also be obtained by sending an e-mail
message wit any subject and no content (nobody will read it)
to the address:

REGISTRATION FEES (includes access to scientific sessions and
exhibition, pre-conference abstracts book
and some social functions):
Note: "Pts" stands for Spanish Pesetas

Regular, participants:						50,000 Pts
Each accompanying person (only social functions):	 7,000 Pts
For registrations formalized before July 1st, 1988:
Members of EPS, APS and National Societies:	30,000 Pts
Students may apply to reduced rate of:		15,000 Pts
(proof of status is required and fee should be submitted
with the Registration Form before indicated deadline)


The following special rates are offered (on a first come first
served basis) for a limited number of rooms (if we cannot book
you into your choice, we will contact you):

Single bed in double room in student residence		 2,500 Pts
Double room (for two people) in 4 stars hotel		11,000 Pts
Single room in a 4 stars hotel				 9,000 Pts
Double room (for two people) in 3 stars hotel		 9,650 Pts
Single room in a 3 stars hotel				 7,500 Pts

Rates are per night and include breakfast and VAT.


All Payments are due in Pts, and they should accompany the
Registration Form (by bank cheque or postal order made payable
to "CCP 1998 - J. Marro") or sent

by Bank Transfer to the account "FASE 20 CONGRESOS" to the
Banco Popular Espanol (code 0075/0903/19/) account number
060-00787-62; remember to mention "CCP 1998" and to give your
name (a copy of the transaction should be sent along with the
Registration Form)

by VISA or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Please accompany a letter
"Please pay to FASE 20 CONGRESOS, and charge to my
(VISA/MASTER) credit card number (all digits, please)
with expiration date (month/year)
the total amount of                  Pesetas to cover my
participation to the CCP 1998 Conference"
and write full name and valid signature of cardholder,
and the current date.

Cancellations will be subject to an agent cancellation fee of
20% until August 15th 1998 or 100% after this date.


By air.
Granada Airport lies just ten kilometers from the city center
(buses and taxis are available) and has daily flights to and
from all major Spanish cities. Malaga Airport, about one hour's
drive from Granada, provides connections to most European major
cities  as well as some intercontinental destinations. One can
also arrive to Spain at other international airports such as
Madrid-Barajas Airport and Barcelona-Prat Airport. Further
information at the Web site

By road.
Granada is conveniently linked to Madrid (420 km), Barcelona
(850 km) and San Sebastian (900 km), and from there on to other
European destinations. Andalusia's motorways also provide good
connections between Granada and other major towns in the region,
e.g., Malaga (110 km), Cordoba (150 km) and Sevilla (250 km).

By bus.
Frequent, inexpensive and comfortable bus connections between
Granada and most major cities in Spain.

By rail.
Two daily Madrid-Granada connections, one of which is an
overnight train with sleeping compartments. There are also
frequent connections between Madrid and Sevilla or Cordoba by
high-speed AVE trains.

Average Temperatures in Granada:
Annual 15C (59F)
September 20C (68F)
Rain is unlikely during the first week of September.


Honor Committee:
His Royal Higness the Prince of Asturias Felipe de Borbón
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Gral. Director of UNESCO
Manuel Pezzi, Andalusian Minister for Science
Lorenzo Morillas, Rector of the University of Granada
Gabriel Díaz Berbel, Mayor of Granada.

International Advisory Committee:
Victor Alessandrini, CNRS, Orsay
Bruno Autin, CERN
George Batrouni, CNRS, Nice
Karl-Fredrich Berggren, Linköping
Kurt Binder, Mainz
Peter H. Borcherds, EPS Computational Physics Board
Patricio Cordero, Santiago de Chile
V. Dermendjiev, Sofia
Da Hsuan Feng, Standing Committee of ICCP's
Rex Godby, York
Peter Grassberger, Julich
Shlomo Havlin, Bar Ilan
Hans J. Herrmann, Stuttgart
Mogens H. Jensen, Copenhagen
Leo Kadanoff, Chicago
Malvin H. Kalos, Cornell
Richard Kenway, Edinburgh
Janos Kertesz, Budapest
Wolfgang Kinzel, Wuerzburg
Miguel G. Kiwi, Santiago
Barry M. Klein, APS Division of Computational Physics
Joel L. Lebowitz, Rutgers
Joaquín Marro, Granada
Jaroslav Nadrchal, Prague
Denis Perret-Gallix, CNRS
Michael Schreiber, Chemnitz
Larry Schwartz, APS Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics
Eugene Stanley, Boston
Dietrich Stauffer, Cologne
Constantino Tsallis, Río de Janeiro
Laurent Villard, Lausanne
Dietrich E. Wolf, Duisburg

Local Advisory and Organizing Committee:
Fernando Cornet
Miguel Delgado
Pedro L. Garrido
Rafael Gómez-Martín
Antonio I. López-Lacomba
Joaquín Marro (Conference Chairman)
Nicolás Pérez de la Blanca
Alberto Prieto
Raúl Toral
José A. Vacas
Amparo Vila


Please type or print clearly

Full Name:
Circle all that apply:   Prof.    Dr.    Male   Female
Zip Code:

Circle one:   I plan   /   I do not plan  to submit an abstract.
Title or subject:
Circle one:	  I prefer:   oral    /   poster   session

Please reserve the following accommodation:
Single bed in double room in student residence*
Double room (for two people) in 4 star hotel*
Single room in 4 star hotel
Double room (for two people) in 3 star hotel*
Single room in 3 star hotel

*Give name if you have agreed with a participant
to share this room:

for the following days of September (tick):
Tuesday 1	Wednesday 2	  Thursday 3
Friday 4	Saturday 5	  Sunday 6
Additional dates (please specify):

Total number of nights at the hotel:
Date of arrival:			Date of departure:

Note: the number of rooms at the above special rates is
limited; if we cannot book you into your choice, we'll
contact you.

Payment (Spanish Pesetas, please; otherwise add 20% to the
total amount):
Registration fee	.................................
Accompanying persons fee ..........................
Accommodation .....................................
Total amount (or proof of payment) enclosed .......

PLEASE SEND BY AIR-MAIL (together with payment or proof of it) TO:

Conference on Computational Physics - CCP 1998
c/o  Prof. Joaquín Marro
Institute Carlos I
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
E - 18071 - GRANADA (SPAIN)