From: dsmith <>
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 18:17:33 GMT
Subject: Your Web Visibility Report
Message-ID: <>
Your report was prepared using the search engines listed below.
"EFFICIENT DESI" was the term used for the search. The #'s beside
each search engine represents the position in which that engine
reported your website.
Your web sites URL:
Yahoo 000
Lycos 000
Excite 000
HotBot 000
LycosPro 000
Magellan 000
InfoSeek 000
N.Lights 000
AltaVista 000
Webcrawler 000
PlanetSearch 002
WVI 002
This report only reports positioning within the top 30 listings. A
listing further down is not of much use as most users will only view
results from the top 10-20 positions. Remember that you can always
request another report, for any website, for any search term, from our
site, and it's always free.
919-537-9222 (voice) 919-537-3125 (fax)
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 14:34:27 GMT
Subject: 175 channels of Satellite TV costs less than standard cable.
Message-ID: <>
More than 175 channels of Digital Satellite TV, legally, for
less than you are paying for regular cable.
Three 24 hour XXX adult networks.
Every single college and professional sporting event.
100's of movie choices per day.
Unlimited FREE pay per views.
All channels in digital SVHS picture and CD quality sound.
There are no extra costs. Dish, receiver, and guaranteed
'test' device are all included.
1) 'Test devices' allow you to 'test' (receive) every single DSS
satellite channel available for FREE.
2) It is legal to use 'test' devices world wide and legal to
sell them outside of the US.
3) The DSS system (SKY in Europe) has always allowed 'testing'
and always will, because of a fundamental design error.
4) DSS (Digital Satellite Systems) are cheaper than ever and can
be purchased for as little as $50.
5) The Satellite Freedom Guide is only $5 and there is a money
back guarantee.
6) You can call POWER2PEOPLE in Canada at 1-519-258-3754.
POWER2PEOPLE has been following the DSS 'testing' scene for 4
years. Our Satellite Freedom Guide completely describes
everything you need to know, step by step, to get over 175
channels for less than you are paying for cable right now.
Upgrading from cable to full access satellite TV while saving
money sounds too good to be true, but it is true and guaranteed.
If you are interested, read on, if not please forward this email
to friends. We are not in the business of selling 'test'
or satellite systems. Our goal is to spread accurate and easy
to understand instructions on how to get up and 'testing' as
quickly, safely, and inexpensively as possible.
You can start enjoying all possible DSS broadcasts within a week
of receiving our guidebook. It is completely legal because you
are 'testing' the function of your satellite hardware. There
are over 175 channels in digital sound and picture and if you
have never seen the system, go to your local audio video
retailer and prepare to be amazed.
Select from hundreds of FREE movie choices every day. You get
unlimited FREE Pay Per View's from over 100 selections per
month. These are new movies and special events such as concerts
and sports spectaculars. There are also three 24 hour soft and
hard core adult networks.
Beyond enjoying Satellite TV, you will learn how to start
'cloning cards' for profit. It is easy. You will supply your
customers with what they want; TV that is FREE, with ultimate
selection and better picture & sound than they have ever seen.
Receiving every possible broadcast for FREE by 'testing' is
incredible and improves your television experience in every way.
- What we would do if we were you and wanted to buy a 'test'
device that was cheap, trouble free, and guaranteed.
- All 'test' devices described: DDT's, B,L,T cards, emulators,
combo cards, plastic cards, wedge cards, 3m cards etc.
- Circuit schematics to build your own DDT card.
- Full instructions to start 'cloning' & selling 'test' cards.
- Full cloning hardware, software, and methods described.
- Why test devices go down and why they always come back up.
- ECM's (electronic counter measure) and how to avoid them.
- How to deal with the satellite companies to get the most
out of 'testing'.
- A full guide to 'test device' manufacturers.
Be aware of the truth that ALL popular software is easily
downloadable from moving sites on the Internet. This includes
virtually every game and 95% of applications. These are not
shareware or crippled versions, but fully working copies.
Formerly this practice was very complex and required specific
and continually changing computer expertise. That is over.
Because of the explosion of the web, the method has become so
straight forward that anybody can do it with the right
Please stop paying for software immediately. Using software
without paying for it is obviously illegal but fortunately
for those who know how, downloading is 100% safe and easy.
POWER2PEOPLE has been following the Internet 'warez' (internet
slang for pirated software) scene for over 8 years and we have
put all of our knowledge into the Software Freedom Guide.
With the Software Freedom Guide in hand, the concept of paying
for software becomes laughable. You will quickly begin to
download new pirated software every day.
This step by step guide describes absolutely everything a
beginner needs to know to easily find active 'warez' sites,
download, uncompress, and install 'warez' immediately.
You will have the resources of experienced software traders, and
system administrators at your fingertips. You will learn all
about how to use FTP, IRC, and the World Wide Web to find and
download any software you want. You will be downloading
software before it even reaches your local software retailer.
Power2people has also included a new section which fully
describes how to make 'backups' of all your PC and Mac CD's,
audio CD's, and all Sony Playstation games. All you need is a
CD burner, the correct information, and some readily available
shareware. Some people even rent software and make 'backups'
of them. This is clearly illegal but we will tell you how so
you can make your own choice.
There is no special computer knowledge required, all
instructions are covered. You can call POWER2PEOPLE in Canada
at 1-519-258-3754.
<>POWER2PEOPLE offers you a way to start bulk emailing <>
<>your message to millions for the lowest startup cost. <>
Send your message to 60 million email addresses for only $40
with our 'Bulk Email Startup Kit'. True freedom is freedom of
speech and you can do it just like we do for the lowest price
POWER2PEOPLE will send you the following:
1) 60 million sorted, cleaned email addresses and complete
startup information on CD. These lists are great, they are
the lists we use. Your CD is not burned until your order
arrives thus ensuring you the best lists.
2) Copies of the most powerful bulk mailing software for FREE.
Using some of the techniques described in the Software Freedom
Guide, we show you exactly how and where to download and
register the most powerful bulk mailing software in existence.
These are the premier titles in the industry and together
these programs sell for over $850.00(US) but you will learn
how to download them for FREE. You can become your own mail
server(MX) and directly deliver mail or send it through SMTP,
these programs have it all and can fully cloak all headers
3) Complete insiders guide to bulk mailing from A-Z including:
message creation, list collection, list manipulation, how to
maximize speed and minimize detection, legal considerations
including the Washington State law, and much more.
Just search the web for 'bulk email' and you will see that our
offer is the most complete and by far the least expensive on the
Software Freedom Guide - $5 + $3 shipping
Satellite Freedom Guide - $5 + $3 shipping
Both Guides - $8 + $4 shipping
Bulk Email Startup Kit - $40+ $0 shipping
Total Freedom (all products)- $45+ $0 shipping
Print out the disclaimer below and sign it.
Send it, your postal address and email address, and US funds in
the form of personal check, money order, bank draft, or cash to:
Software Freedom Guide or
Satellite Freedom Guide or
Both Guides or
Bulk Email Startup Kit or
Total Freedom
110 Eugenie Street West Suite 430
Windsor, Ontario
Canada, N8X 4Y6
(Please note that POWER2PEOPLE can not be held liable for any
receipt of cash. Postal money orders must be 'international' or
your order can not be processed. 21 day wait for personal
checks. We can not process orders from Wisconsin residents.
The Satellite Freedom Guide applies to DSS type systems only,
DirecTV, USSB, and SKY in N. America, S. America, and Europe.)
If you are displeased in any way, simply return the Guide(s) to
us and we will send you a check for $3.50. We regret that we
not refund shipping and material costs. The 'Bulk Email Startup
Kit' and 'Total Freedom' products can not be guaranteed.
My signature below indicates my agreement to the following two
paragraphs and that I am over 18 years of age.
POWER2PEOPLE provides 'information' for educational purposes
only. The purchaser is responsible for consulting and adhering
to any applicable laws and statutes in their area. POWER2PEOPLE
does not endorse, advocate, recommend, advise, support, and
shall not be held liable for the breaking of any law.
any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential
damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of
business profits, business interruption, loss of programs or
information, and the like), or any other damages arising in any
way out of the availability, use, reliance on, or inability to
use POWER2PEOPLE or any 'information', regardless of the form
of action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise; or (ii) for
any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other
inaccuracies in or destructive properties of any 'information'.
From: Jana Krasova <>
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 12:31:48 GMT
Subject: Zastaveni hp78 rano ve stredu 5.8.98, sun091b, aliasy stanic
Message-ID: <>
Vazeni kolegove,
ve stredu rano bude zastaven server hp78 z duvodu odpojeni zapujcene
jednotky DLT4000. Opravena paskova jednotka DLT 7000 bude co nejdrive
opet pripojena k hp78.
Novy sun091b je vykonna stanice, kterou by bylo mozne
pouzivat pro vypocty ( v orientacnim srovnani vykonnosti stanic je ~2.3
krat rychlejsi nez hp78 ). Bohuzel neni na stanici nainstalovano nqs,
protoze pro operacni system Solaris 2.6, ktery na sun091b bezi, neni nqs
upraveno. Podle sdeleni Christiana Boissata je vyvoj nqs zmrazen.
Ulohy je mozne spoustet na pozadi se snizenou prioritou, aby nebyla
blokovana interaktivni prace. Prikaz nohup zabezpeci, ze se uloha bude
dopocitana po i po odlogovani.
nohup nice -19 command [arguments] &
Nakonec bych se vratila k navrhum aliasu pro sekcni stanice. Zajimavy
navrh, ktery se vztahuje k nasemu oddeleni, poslal Jiri Grygar - jmena
typu baryon, hadron, lepton, mezon, boson, fermion,...
Napiste Vase navrhy do konce srpna. Novy "skolni" rok muzeme zacit s
novymi nazvy stanic.
Zdravi Jana