People database


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  1. jine
  2. Atlas
  3. Theory
  4. LHC-B
  5. RD45
  6. LHC++
  7. WA97
  8. MSGC
  9. H1
  10. Delphi
  11. LEP200
  12. RD2
  13. Heavy_Ion
  14. GEM
  16. Moose
  17. Alice
  18. WA98
  19. Electronics
  20. RD11
  21. SMC
  22. RD28
  23. NA48
  24. misc
  25. ALICE
  26. TAPS
  27. EMU01

List of all HEP Czech and Slovak people. To access this list you must be authorised. To be authorised you must ask.
You may easily add yourself into the database or change your entry.
If you cannot find information here, try HEP Site Phonebooks and Directories.
J.Hrivnac, 16/02/98