Personal WWW Home Page

Karel Piska

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ)



TeX - Multilingual Collection

"Georgian Scripts"

29 January 1998
Short abstract - georgian.abstract.txt (ASCII)
Short abstract (without appendix) - georgian.abstract.tex (LaTeX2e)
Extended abstract (abstract + appendix with examples of fonts) - PRELIMINARY (300dpi PS, gzipped <~30 kbytes)

Karel Piska: "Cyrillic Alphabets"

Contribution for TUG'96 (Dubna, 28 July 1996)


Additional files

Alphabets with Alphabetical Orders (.ps.gz)
Language Names and Codes (.txt)
Language Tree (.txt)
The Languages Using Cyrillic written form but not included in the contribution (Author has no detailed information about the alphabets) (.txt)

  • Contribution for CyrTUG'95 (in Russian) - Protvino, 5 October 1995

    Document ``Cyrillic Alphabets and Unicode'' , 1st version, 30 pages (text in Russian)
    only in PS-form (includes 300 dpi fonts) and large (~300 kbytes) !!!
    (gzipped: .ps.gz (~ 90 kbytes)

    A copy at CERN, can be accessed only via AFS !!!
    gzipped: ... .ps.gz (~ 90 kbytes)

  • ``Several Non-Cyrillic Alphabets'' - Baltic, Caucasian, ... Preliminary version, 3 pages (in Russian)
    only in PS-form (300 dpi) - ~ 70 kbytes (PS-file includes 300 dpi fonts)
    (must be corrected !!!, especially Latvian glyphs)

    Personal messages

    Objednavka knih

    Starman Bohemia, spol. s r.o., September 1996
    27 Feb 1996, 28 July 1996