Prague's food-related subjects
Basic info about Czech cuisine, beer, wine and other food-related subject you can find here.
Some of Prague's Beer Restaurants
- Pivnice Radegast, Celetna 29, Praha 1, tel. 2328069 nebo 2328237
- Pivnice u svateho Tomase, Letenska 12, Praha 1, tel. 24510016
- Pivnice ve Skorepce, Skorepka 1, Praha 1, tel. 24214715
- U divadla, Vladislavova 3, Praha 1, tel. 24911982
- U kata, U radnice 6, Praha 1, tel. 265363
- U Malvaze, Karlova 10, Praha 1, tel. 24229252
- U snedeneho kramu, Mostecka 5, Praha 1, tel. 531795
- U tri zlatych trojek, Tomasska 6, Praha 1, tel. 530126
- U zlateho tygra, Husova, Praha 1; known pub even to Bill Clinton, he spent here unforgettable moments.
Kosher Shops and Restaurants
- Kosher Shop and Restaurant, Cervena 101, Praha 1
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