General information
Name: Ceská Republika (Czech Republic)
Country Code: Two letter:CZ, Three letter:CZE
Location: middle Europe (see the picture)
Area: 78 864 sq. km (30 450 sq miles)
North-South distance: 278 km
East-West distance: 493 km
Location of extreme points:
48° 33'13'' of the North Latitude (Vyssi Brod)
51° 03'26'' of the North Latitude (Lobendava)
12° 05'38'' of the East Longitude (Krasna)
18° 51'56'' of the East Longitude (Hrcava)
Average elevation above sea level: 450 m
Bordering Countries:
Austria (border length 443 km)
Germany (border length 815 km)
Poland (border length 713 km)
Slovakia (border length 265 km)
Capital: Praha (Prague) (1 214 000 inhabitants)
Another big cities
Brno (388 000)
Ostrava (327 000)
Plzen (173 000)
Olomouc (106 000)
Liberec (102 000)
Usti nad Labem (100 000)
Hradec Kralove (100 000)
Ceske Budejovice (97 000)
Population: 10.3 mil.
Population density: 130.7 citizen/sq. km
Czech (95%)
Slovak (3%)
Polish (0.6%)
German (0.5%)
Gypsy (0.3%)
Hungarian (0.2%)
Other (0.4%)
Religions: (sources significantly differ in percentage of the various
religions; data here are taken from the CIA World Fact Book '94)
atheist (40%)
Roman Catholic (39%)
Protestant (5%)
Orthodox (3%)
other (13%)
Life expectancy at birth: male 67 years, female 75 years
Government type: parliamentary democracy
President: Vaclav Havel
Prime Minister: Vaclav Klaus
Currency: Czech Crown (Kc)
Approximate Exchange Rate: U.S.$1 = 28 Kc
(current exchange rates
are available on-line)
Gross Domestic Product: U.S.$27,500 million
Gross Domestic Product per capita: U.S.$2700
Industry: fuels, power supply, ferrous metallurgy, machinery
and equipment, motor vehicles, glass, textile, chemicals,
Agriculture: grains, potatoes, sugar beets, hops, fruit, hogs,
cattle, poultry, forrest products
Country's Telephone Code: 42
Time zone: GMT+1 (MET) (with daylight saving changes MET DST)
Voltage: 220 V / 50 Hz
Czech magazines and newspapers on line:
Insight project
Czech home page
Long-term mean temperature in Prague:
Jan: -0.8° C
Feb: 0.3° C
Mar: 4.2° C
Apr: 9.5° C
May: 14.7° C
Jun: 18.2° C
Jul: 19.9° C
Aug: 19.2° C
Sep: 15.3° C
Oct: 9.6° C
Nov: 4.0° C
Dec: 1.0° C
Other information sources
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