Internet v CR

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Wed Dec 15 16:07:27 CET 1993

On Wed, 15 Dec 1993, Janicek wrote:
>On Wed, 15 Dec 1993, Tomas Mueller wrote:
>> > From: Paul Kucera <ak180 at>
>> >
>> > Chtel bych se zeptat tech co maji v CR pristup k Internetu na par otazek.
>......atd.  -deleted-
>Ptal jsem se v CSINFO-L na stejnou otazku a obdrzel jsem adresu  Pavel
>Rosendorf <pavel.rosendorf at>, ktery mne zaslal obratem podrobny cenik.
>Zda se mne to pomerne drahe, zvlaste kdyz uvazite cenu za impuls - cas
>ztraveny "on line".
>        Uvital bych pokud by Internetove moznosti a jejich ceny rozvedl
>nebo porovnal nekdo, kdo nevlastni firmu poskytujici tyto sluzby.
>        Prikladam jeho reklamu a cenik - nejsem zadnym zpusobem spojen s
>panem Rosendorfem...

Nevlastnim firmu COnet, ani nejsem zadnym zpusobem spojen s panem Rosendorfem
a ani se necitim kompetentni se vyjadrovat do cenovych problemu firmy COnet.
Zajemce necht posoudi sam alespon cast 4. ceniku:

>4. Uzivatelske ucty na pocitaci COnetu
>   Tato sluzba poskytuje ucet na pocitaci umistenem v nasem uzlu. Pristup
>k tomuto pocitaci je pres vytacene asynchronni spojeni rychlostmi 1200-
>14400 bitu/sekundu. Poskytovane sluzby jsou elektronicka posta, NEWS a
>pristup do Internetu.
>   a. Elektronicka posta + NEWS
>      zakladni sazba : 500.-Kc;
>      dalsi platby : 5.-Kc/minutu casu pripojeni;
>      instalacni poplatky : zadne nejsou;
>      zvlastni ujednani : minimalni doba subskripce je na 1 mesic;
>                          vypovedni doba je 1 mesic;
>   b. Elektronicka posta + NEWS + telnet + ftp
>      zakladni sazba : 1000.-Kc, ktere kryji 1 hodinu casu pripojeni;
>     dalsi platby : za kazdou dalsi minutu 10.-Kc/minutu;
>      instalacni poplatky : zadne nejsou;
>      zvlastni ujednani : minimalni doba subskripce je na 1 mesic;
>                          vypovedni doba je 1 mesic;
> ===== ===== Pavel Rosendorf === ____ === COnet spol. s r.o.  === / / /

Shodou okolnosti P. Scott doplnil vcera HYTELNET o zaznam noveho komercniho

!login: guest
!        1) Account Application Instructions
!        2) Instant Account Application (VISA or MC only)
!        3) Display EiNet Connect Contract and Account Application
!        4) Information About Internet
!        5) Information About EiNet's services and pricing
!        6) Rules and Regulations (Version October 1, 1993)
!        7) Give Us Your Postal Mail Address, We Send You The Packet
!        8) Toggle Text Display Mode (page or continuous text) [page]
!        9) Exit or Ctrl-C

Dovolil jsem si poridit zaznam textu pod casti menu 5) s vysledkem
(dulezite casti jsem podtrhl znakem ^):


Engineering International Internet Services Account Information:

Basic Service provides Mail and News only
(Unix shell, C compiler, and easy-to-use menu).

Internet Service provides Mail, News, FTP, Telnet, ARCHIE, GOPHER, TALK and IRC
(Unix shell, C compiler, and easy-to-use menu).

You need TCP/IP software on your computer with SLIP/PPP support to
use SLIP/PPP Service.  We will assign you the IP address for your own use.

If you join SLIP/PPP Service, you can use Internet Service.

You have to be 18 years or older to join EiNet Services.

EiNetNet Rates: Individual Service - 6:00pm thru 8:00am

Service:    Setup  Month       Quarter     Semi-Annual  Annual
Basic        $30  $24($24/Mo) $66($22/Mo)  $120($20/Mo) $216($18/Mo)
Internet     $35  $30($30/Mo) $84($28/Mo)  $150($25/Mo) $276($23/Mo)
SLIP/PPP     $40  $36($36/Mo) $99($33/Mo)  $180($30/Mo) $324($27/Mo)

Hourly Prime Time Access: $10.00 per hour prepaid

NOTES: Minimum Prime Time charge is one hour per connect-Billing by 15min inc.
       Setup includes the first month service.

Prime time rates are available on request.
Dedicated lines are also available.

Individual service hours are 6:00pm to 8:00am.
Prime time hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm. Prime time accounts also have access
during non-prime time hours.

Connect time during the normal account hours is unlimited with no connect time
charge or down load charges.  Prime time access by non-prime time users is per
the hourly rate mentioned above.

Disk space is limited to 5 megabytes for each account, any amount
over 5 megabytes is $2 per megabyte of disk space per month for the
average disk space utilized during the month.  For example if your
daily average disk space size is 9 megabytes for a month, then we
will bill you $8 for 4 megabytes over the free 5 megabytes disk space.

          EINet Access Information

Convenient Access - EINet is a local call in Albuquerque and surrounding areas.

The voice line is (505) 343-1060. The FAX line is (505) 343-1061.
In person phone answer hours are 9am to 10pm, all other hours, we set
auto-answer on.  We will be happy to call back.

Our modems support from 300 bps to 14,400 bps V32/bis V42/bis
Use 8N1 setting in your communication software.

Modem phone number to access to EiNet host computer: (505) 345-5398

Feel free to ask us any questions!

Please accept our offer to join EiNet for the Internet Adventure

You can e-mail to info at for more information.

You can mail to:

 Engineering International, Inc.
 2313 Headingly NW
 Albuquerque, NM 87107

Corporate accounts, please contact us for more information and pricing.


Zda se mi, ze pocitam-li 30.- Kc US$, tak ceny COnetu v casti 5. ceniku
jsou s prihlednutim k nasim podminkam v relaci s hodinovymi cenami prace
pres den site EiNet.

                                                    Vladimir Vrabec

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