gopher pro zdravotni peci (gopherjewels)

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Wed Apr 27 19:07:19 CEST 1994

Vazeni pratele,
seznamte se prosim s jednim z novych gopheru, ktery jak si prectete v souboru
Welcome...,je urcen nejen pro poskytovatele zdravotni pece a prislusne
vyzkumne pracovniky, ale i pro konzumenty teto pece ve state NY. Dival jsem
se i na Index.., je dlouhy, ale velmi zajimavy. Podobny gopher bych osobne
rad uvital i u nas. Samozrejme jako uchazec o zdravotni peci.
                                                              Vladimir Vrabec (port 70)---------------------------
1.  Welcome to the New York State Department of Health Gopher.
2.  What's New on the New York State Department of Health Gopher/
3.  About the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)/
4.  How to Get New York State Vital Records Information/
5.  NYSDOH -- Directory Services/
6.  NYSDOH -- Consumer Health Information/
7.  NYSDOH -- Official Publications/
8.  NYSDOH -- Statistical Reports/Data/
9.  Index for the NYSDOH Gopher.
1.  Welcome to the New York State Department of Health Gopher.
        Welcome to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Gopher

      Welcome to the NYSDOH Gopher! The NYSDOH Gopher is your electronic guide
 to public information, data, and services provided by the Department. Looking
 for a facility near you that does screening for breast cancer? Check under
 "Consumer Health Information." Doing research on breast cancer rates in New
 York State? If it's numbers you're after, the "Statistical Reports/Data" menu
 is a good place to start. If you are interested in a toll free '800' number
 for health information or services, check the "Directory Services" listing. So
 whether you're a consumer of health care, a health care provider, or someone
 doing health-related research, the NYSDOH Gopher is for you. There's something
 for everyone!

      The NYSDOH Gopher made its first public appearance in February 1994.
 Our goal is to provide you with general health-related information and
 convenient access to data resources. We cannot provide individual medical
 advice or counseling. If you feel you need specific medical advice or
 counseling, you should contact a licensed health care practitioner, a social
 services agency representative, or a health-related organization in your local

      The NYSDOH Gopher will undoubtedly experience growing pains along the
 way. And there will be occasions when we'll have to say "pardon our
 appearance". We want to provide health-related information that will be
 accurate, useful, and timely. The NYSDOH Gopher is yet another way to
 provide information to the public we're here to serve.

      In our role as a public information service, we strive to meet the needs
 of our customers. If you have questions or concerns about any of the
 information posted on the NYSDOH Gopher, or how we can improve it in general,
 we'd like to "hear" from you. Send your comments to the following address:

                       nyhealth at albnydh2.bitnet

      We'll refer your comments to the appropriate program area for additional
 assistance. If you're a gopher "owner" looking for other gopher "relatives"
 with similar interests, we encourage you to add a direct link from your
 gopher to ours. Point your gopher server to:

              (port 70)

      Please come back to visit and explore the NYSDOH Gopher soon!
 (Revised 4/11/94)

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