1994 ISOC Workshop in Network Technology

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Thu Feb 10 14:44:32 CET 1994

zde je doreseni jednoho stareho prispevku. Zdravi
                                           Vladimir Vrabec

------------------- Text of forwarded message -----------------
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 06:10:24 MET
From: Jan Gruntorad <TKJG at aci.cvut.cz>
Subject: Re: ISOC Workshop
To: Vladimir Vrabec <vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz>, Ingrid Ledererova
    <il at aci.cvut.cz>
In-Reply-To:  Your message of Tue, 08 Feb 1994 18:07:16 MET-2DST

On Tue, 08 Feb 1994 18:07:16 MET-2DST you said:
>Vazeny pane inzenyre,
>na zacatku prosince jsem poslal do NET at cs.felk.cvut.cz prilozene oznameni a
>doufal jsem, ze k nemu zaujme stanovisko nekdo z vedeni CESNETu sledujici
>e-konferenci NET. Protoze se tak nestalo a v posledni dobe jsem casto
>dotazovan jak to tedy s ucasti nasich lidi bude, prosim Vas, zda byste
>se k tomu nevyjadril Vy osobne. Stanovisko muzete samozrejme do NET zaslat
>sam nebo mym prostrednictvim. S diky a pozdravem
>                                                  Vladimir Vrabec

Vazeny pane kolego,

pokusim se zodpovedet na vase otazky. Ve vyse uvedene konferenci
nejsem zapsan.

>Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1993 14:20:41 MET-2DST
>From: Vladimir Vrabec <vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz>
>Reply-To: net at cs.felk.cvut.cz
>To: net at cs.felk.cvut.cz
>CC: vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
>Subject: 1994 ISOC Workshop in Network Technology
>S Inet '94/JENC5 je spjat i "Internet Society Workshop on Network Technology".
>Z pripojenych informaci zjistite, ze ucastnik musi zaplatit nejmene na $2,000.
>V teto souvislosti mam nekolik dotazu:
>1. Budou mit "domaci" moznost ucastnit se prislusnych akci?

Co se tyce Wokshopu, tak ten je planoval pro  150 lidi z cca 70 zemi.
Z toho plyne, ze Ceska Republika muze vzhledem k tomu, ze se akce kona
u nas, dostat az 3 mista. Rozhodne o tom mezinarodni programovy vybor,
ktery bude take individulne posuzovat, kolik kazdemu ucastnikovi prispeje.
Pro tuzemske ucastniky bude poplatek nizsi o naklady za dopravu a ubytovani,
pokud jej nebude vyzadovat.

>2. Pokud ano, tak za jaky poplatek?

Ano, vyse poplatku viz vyse.

>3. Pokud ano a poplatek bude unosny (vysi a menou), kde se maji prihlasovat?

Zajemci at prosim vyplni zadost uvedenou nize a odeslou na adresu mezinarodniho
programoveho vyboru, ktera je tam uvedena. Prihlaste se prosim do konce
unora. Pocet prihlasek z jedne zeme muze ovlinit, kolik mist zeme dostane.

>Je nekdo z vedeni CESNETu kompetentni odpovedet? Zdravi
>                                                        Vladimir Vrabec

Co se tyce konference INET'94/JENC5, vlozne bude 445 US$. Jedname s mez.
programovym vyborem, aby pro toho, kdo se bude aktivne podilet na priprave
konference (pomuze instalovat nebo zapujci zarizeni, atd.), bylo vlozne
nizsi, pripadne vstup zdarma. Pripadni zajemci se mohou hlasit u Ing.Ingrid
Ledererove <il at aci.cvut.cz>.

S pozdravem
                                      Jan Gruntorad

>---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 12:26:43 -0800
>From: Tom Gray <tgray at IGC.APC.ORG>
>To: Multiple recipients of list DEVEL-L <DEVEL-L at auvm.bitnet>
>Subject: Announcement/Application: 1994 ISOC Workshop on Network Technology
>             1994 Internet Society Workshop on Network Technology
>                                  November 1993
>In conjunction with the INET '94/JENC5 Conference, the Internet Society
>is sponsoring a Network Technology Workshop prior to the conference itself.
>The workshop will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on the campus of the
>Czech Technical University (Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke) during June 5-11,
>1994.  The focus of the workshop will be upon assisting countries that are
>either not yet connected to the Internet or are in the process of
>developing and enhancing an initial national Internet.
>This workshop is an outgrowth of and builds upon a similar workshop, held
>at Stanford University, U.S.A. in August 1993, in conjunction with the INET
>'93 Conference.
>The goals of the workshop are:
>1. To train a critical mass of trainer/professionals in network
>infrastructure, transport and services to be able to support an extension
>of meaningful Internet-related activities within the countries represented.
>2. To identify and share individual and institutional contacts as well as
>information sources that will assist the process of development, using
>international Internet connections.
>3. To build robust professional linkages between all participants in the
>programs so that the mentor-student and colleague-colleague relationships
>formed during the workshop and conferences will remain strong and of
>continuing usefulness well beyond the workshop and conference.
>4. To increase the level of cooperation among existing projects and
>activities for establishing data networks in developing countries.
>5. To train small groups of trainers from the same country or region who
>can replicate and extend such training in their own country or region.
>An intensive program of instruction is planned for each of four
>program tracks:
>1. DIAL-UP NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY - For network technicians and
>technical staff with some experience using personal computers
>(networking experience preferable but not required), focusing upon
>the establishment and operation of an initial Internet presence in a
>country and possibly initiating the deployment of a basic national
>network infrastructure in the country.
>2. TCP/IP NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY - For network technicians and technical
>staff, focusing upon the extension, management and operation of an initial
>national network infrastructure and its integration with the global
>3. NETWORK NAVIGATION AND SERVICES - For network information specialists
>and other user support staff, focusing upon how to use Internet
>connectivity to access network resources and information content and how to
>implement the network and client-server tool set for obtaining such access.
>4. NATIONAL NETWORK MANAGEMENT - For technical and administrative managers
>of national networks, focusing on current legal, economic, organizational
>and technical issues of national network establishment and management.
>All participants will engage in extensive hands-on training, either setting
>up a prototype network or using actual Internet resources or both, as
>appropriate, using facilities at the Czech Technical University.
>The workshop will be held at the Czech Technical University in Prague,
>Czech Republic. Participants will be housed in the Hotel Krystal, a
>conference hotel managed by the Czech Technological University, Czech
>University of Economics and Charles University. Convenient bus and taxi
>transportation is available to the hotel from the airport.
>Workshop sessions will take place in several facilities at the Czech
>Technical University, all within easy walking distance of one another.
>Participants will travel by bus or tram from the Hotel Krystal to the
>University campus, a journey of about 15 minutes.
>Working language
>The working language of the workshop will be English. A working knowledge
>of English will be required of each participant. However, there will be
>knowledgeable mentors attached to each track who have additional language
>Participants should plan to arrive in Prague on the afternoon of Saturday,
>June 4. Workshops sessions will be held starting Sunday afternoon, June
>5th, and all day on Monday, June 6th through Saturday, June 11th.  At the
>end of the workshop, participants will continue to be housed in the Hotel
>Krystal through the INET '94/JENC5 Conference.  Transportation from the
>Hotel to both the workshop locations and conference location will be via
>public transit, which is inexpensive, reliable and easy to use.
>INET '94/JENC5 begins on Tuesday evening, June 14 and continues until
>Friday, June 17th.
>The workshop is specifically directed toward the needs of people from
>technologically emerging countries who are playing or will play an
>important part in introducing and extending networking in their countries
>and regions. Attendees should be involved in planning to establish or in
>establishing the Internet's presence in their countries and regions, in
>institutionalizing its operation, and in assisting the country's schools
>and universities, governmental agencies, local firms, and residents in
>learning about and exploiting the range of services available through the
>net. Staff members of international and bilateral technical co-operation
>agencies, as well as professionals having involvement in international
>assistance, are eligible for attendance. Participants in the INET '93
>Developing Countries Workshop will be considered eligible to attend the
>1994 workshop; however, application must be made for a track other than the
>track completed in 1993 and be consistent with their responsibilities in a
>national or regional context.
>Preference will be given to small teams of people from the same country or
>region who can demonstrate a plan for introducing part of all of the
>training program in their home countries or regions.
>It is the responsibility of participants to obtain appropriate visas, if
>necessary, to attend the workshop and the related conference. The Internet
>Society will endeavor to assist applicants by providing information
>regarding the goals and activities of the Society and its professional
>goals and activities, as well as specific information regarding the visa
>process for visitors to the Czech Republic.
>Enrollment is limited to approximately 150 people. We encourage you to
>apply as early as possible.
>Application for admission
>To apply for admission to the workshop, please complete the attached form
>and submit it as soon as possible, but no later than March 1, 1994. If
>you expect to attend the workshop as the result of being awarded a United
>Nations or similar fellowship awarded by a multilateral or bilateral aid
>agency, please inform us of the details in your application.
>Applicants will be notified of their acceptance to the program and the
>amount of financial aid available for them by mid-April.
>NOTE: Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit some form of electronic
>mail address (a reliable telex or FAX number is acceptable) in order to
>expedite notification of their acceptance as well as any further
>The cost of attending the workshop and associated events is US$2,000.
>This fee includes:
>- All tuition and fees for the workshop
>- All lodging charges from Saturday, June 4th through Thursday, June 16th.
>- All meal charges, starting with dinner on Saturday evening, June
>  4th through lunch on Tuesday, June 14th, as well as breakfast during
>  the INET '94/JENC5 Conference.
>- Public transportation tickets from the Hotel Krystal to both the workshop
>  venue and the INET '94/JENC5 conference venue.
>- Registration at the INET '94/JENC5 Conference (June 14-17), including
>  those meals and social events included in conference registration.
>Participants will be housed at the Hotel Krystal in Prague.
>Participants staying for INET '94/JENC5 should plan to budget
>approximately $50-100 for optional travel and entertainment from
>Sunday June 12th through the morning of Tuesday June 14th.
>Financial assistance to cover a part or all of each participant's overall
>expenditures is expected be available to deserving candidates. If you
>request financial aid for the workshop, please provide the financial
>information requested in the application for admission.  Financial aid will
>take the form of either pre-paid airline ticekts for travel to and from
>Prague, partial or total coverage of the workshop fee, or both.
>                         Application for Admission
>A. Personal data
>Full Name:
>Home Address:
>Home Telephone:
>Business Address:
>Business Telephone:
>Fax (if any):
>Telex (if any):
>Electronic mail address (if any):
>Knowledge of English:
>Please indicate with an asterisk the most reliable addresses and
>telephone/fax numbers above which can be used to reach you.
>B. Course of Instruction
>Track applied for: x Dial-up technology track
>                   x TCP/IP Technology track
>                   x Network services track
>                   x National Network Management track
>Please indicate any specific interests within this area.
>C. Training Team Involvement
>If you are applying as a member of a group of trainers, please indicate the
>names of the other individuals with who you want your application to be
>considered.  Please also provide a statement of institutional support for
>such activities.
>D. Description of Role in National Networking Activities
>Please provide in the format of your choice the following information about
>1. A summary of your educational background.
>2. A description of your current employer, position, duties and
>responsibilities and how they relate to current and future data networking
>activities in your country.
>3. How your training and current work prepare and qualify you for the track
>you wish to attend.
>4. How you expect to implement the knowledge you gain through attendance at
>the workshop and the INET '94 conference after you return to your country.
>This information will be used to determine whether to admit you to the
>workshop.  Please be sure that it is sufficiently clear, well organized and
>adequate for this purpose.
>E. Financial Information
>If you are requesting financial aid from INET '94 for attending the
>workshop and conference, please also provide:
>   -  a structured itemized expenditure budget for your travel and expenses:
>        1. Workshop Fee         US$2,000
>        2. Airfare                $______
>   -  a structured income budget containing sources of income that are
>        available to you for attending.
>        1. Institution          US$______
>        2. Government             $______
>        3. International          $______
>        4. Self                   $______
>        5. Requested from ISOC    $______
>   - Include a good estimate of probable air fare costs next June
>        between your place of residence and Prague, with supporting
>        detail (airline, type of fare and city of departure) if you
>        are requesting assistance for this expense.
>Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________
>Applications may be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail to:
>                         workshop-apply at nyu.edu
>If you are not able to send your application by electronic mail,
>please return this application to:
>Network Technology Workshop
>Institute for Global Communications
>1010 Doyle Street
>Menlo Park, California 94025
>Voice:      +1.415.322.0342
>Facsimile:  +1.415.546.1794
>If you are able to return the application by electronic mail, we
>would very much like you to use this method of communication.
>---------- End of forwarded message ----------
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