K-12 na serveru "gopher.cic.net"

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Mon Feb 21 19:26:21 CET 1994

v nedavne dobe byl ohlasen novy K-12 gopher. Byl vytvoren Jeanne Baugh
v ramci projektu "Best of K-12 on the Internet" gopher. V priloze jsem
si dovolil pripojit cestu na serveru gopher.cic.net k prislusnemu menu
"K-12 on the Internet" a mapu obsahu. Zdravi
                                              Vladimir Vrabec

                        Link to Gopher at gopher.cic.net

 -->  3.  CICNet Projects and Gopher Servers/
                       CICNet Projects and Gopher Servers

 -->  5.  K-12 on the Internet        Select Education Resources/
             K-12 on the Internet        Select Education Resources

1.  About This Gopher.
2.  Search This Gopher <?>
3.  Gopher Servers/
4.  FTP Sites/
5.  Telnet Sites/
6.  Library Catalogs (list maintained by Yale University)/
7.  Mailing Lists (listservs)/
8.  Publications/
9.  Using the Internet in the Classroom/
10. If You're Not Sure Where to Start.
=====> 1.  About This Gopher.

Welcome!  What you'll find in this gopher is a collection of selected
Internet resources of use (we believe) and interest (we hope) to K-12
educators, administrators, and students.  You'll find two kinds of
information here: text descriptions of various on-line resources, and
direct pointers (or links) to on-line resources.


The descriptions included here are summaries of one user's experience
with a particular resource.  They include Internet addresses, login
and logout procedures, notes about particularly useful files, and
often a sample session.  They often provide contact information so
that you can find out more about a resource from the provider.

To read a description, select the name of a resource from the gopher
menu.  You'll be able to tell a description file from a link (see
below) because files are represented with a final period, like this:
About This Gopher.

Note: Most of these descriptions were written by people who have used
the resources they describe.  (A description with no credited author
was probably written by Jeanne Baugh, who put this gopher together.)
I've tried to verify the addresses and sometimes the procedures they
provide, but I can't guarantee their accuracy.  If you notice any
errors, please let me know and I'll correct the descriptions.


Many of the choices on the menus here are direct connections to
various resources.  To connect to a resource, select its name from the
gopher menu.  You'll be able to tell a link from a description (see
above) because links are represented with a final slash, like this:
North Central Regional Educational Lab/

Note: Final slashes also designate submenus.  Keep following slashed
menu options until you connect to the resource you're looking for.


This collection was compiled by Jeanne Baugh.  Jeanne is a professor
of computer science at Waynesburg College in Waynesburg, PA, and a
doctoral student of education at West Virginia University.  Her
dissertation project was to create a "Best of K-12 on the Internet"
gopher, a one-stop shopping center for K-12 educators and students
looking for the best on-line teaching and learning resources.

We think she did a remarkable job in pulling together all these
resources--but new ones are coming on-line every week.  If you know of
a particularly good resource that's not included here, tell me about
it (why not write up a description like the ones found here?) and I'll
add it to our menus.


Now that Jeanne has moved on to other projects, this gopher is being
maintained by CICNet.  However, the resources described here, or for
which links are provided here, are maintained by other institutions.
We at CICNet can't take any credit--or blame!--for the existence or
lack thereof of any of the resources included in this gopher.

Occasionally you will be unable to connect to a resource.  Usually
this happens for one of three reasons: 1) the provider has temporarily
taken the resource off-line ("turned it off"); 2) the provider has
moved the resource to another location this gopher doesn't know about;
or 3) the host computer on which the resource is located is having
trouble communicating with the rest of the network.

If you can't connect to a resource, try again later--if the problem is
caused by 1) or 3) above, chances are the resource will be available
again in a little while.  If you still can't connect to it, however,
the problem may be 2)--send me a message and I'll try to verify the
address our link points to.

If you have questions about this gopher, suggestions for how we can
make it more useful to you, or complaints, please send them to me at
the address below.  If you have questions about the resources listed
here, please send them to the provider.


Play.  :)

Rhana Jacot, Information Services Coordinator
rjacot at cic.net            CICNet, Inc.
voice: (313) 998-6521     2901 Hubbard Drive, Upper Pod A
fax:   (313) 998-6105     Ann Arbor, MI  48105-2467

=====> 3.  Gopher Servers/
                                 Gopher Servers

      1.  Search for Files on Gopher Servers (Veronica)/
      2.  Education Gopher Servers (list maintained by Catholic University)/
      3.  Best of K-12 Internet Resources (maintained by TIES)/
      4.  Gopher Jewels/
      5.  Internet Resources for Use in Education (maintained by OISE)/
      6.  North Central Regional Educational Lab/
      7.  The KIDLINK Gopher/
      8.  Weather Information/
=====> 4.  FTP Sites/
                                   FTP Sites

      1.  A Note about These Sites.
      2.  Center for Innovative Computer Applications (Windows shareware).
      3.  Computers and Academic Freedom Archive.
      4.  Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI) Archive.
      5.  Gatekeeper (general information).
      6.  GenBank (shareware and freeware archive).
      7.  HYDRA (general information).
      8.  History Archive.
      9.  Indiana University Biology Archive.
      10. List of Lists (information about the Internet).
      11. Lyrics and Discography.
      12. MIT Archive (general information).
      13. NASA Archive (space program information).
      14. National Science Foundation (information about NSFNET).
      15. North Carolina State University (Senate committee information).
      16. Northern Arizona University (general information).
      17. Ohio State Education Archives (general information).
      18. Project Gutenberg (electronic texts archive).
      19. Project Hermes (Supreme Court decisions).
      20. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (information about networks).
      21. SUMEX-AIM (Macintosh shareware).
      22. SURAnet Archive (general information).
      23. Spacemet Internet (general information).
      24. Sydney University Law School (legal information).
      25. U. of Michigan/Merit Software Archive (linguistics and shareware).
      26. University of California at Berkeley (general information).
      27. University of Texas at Austin (information about the network).
      28. Washington University Software Archive (shareware).
5.  Telnet Sites/
                                  Telnet Sites

      1.  Academy One/
      2.  Cleveland Free-Net/
      3.  Dartmouth On-line Library System/
      4.  E-MATH/
      5.  ERIC/
      6.  Food & Drug Administration Bulletin Board/
      7.  Geographic Name Server/
      8.  Liberty High/
      9.  Library of Congress/
      10. Martin Luther King, Jr., Bibliography/
      11. MicroMUSE/
      12. NASA SpaceLINK/
      13. Newton/
      14. OCEANIC (Oceanic Network Information Center)/
      15. Rutgers Campus-wide Information System/
      16. SpaceMet Internet/
      17. Virginia Grounds-wide Information System/
      18. Washington University's SERVICES/
      19. Weather Underground/
      20. World Wide Web (home server at CERN)/
      21. Youngstown Free-Net/
6.  Library Catalogs (list maintained by Yale University)/
             Library Catalogs (list maintained by Yale University)

      1.  About Library Catalogs.
      2.  Catalogs Listed by Location/
      3.  Catalogs Search by Keyword <?>
      4.  Instructions for different catalog types/
      5.  Library Bulletin Boards/
      6.  Manuscript and Archives Repositories - at Johns Hopkins/
      7.  Paper List (BBarrons' Accessing Online Bib Dbases)/
      8.  Updates made recently to the list of libraries.
7.  Mailing Lists (listservs)/
                           Mailing Lists (listservs)

      1.  A Note about These Lists.
      2.  AACE-L (Association for Advancement of Computing in Education).
      3.  ABILITY (for study of academically, artistically, athletically ab.
      4.  ALTLEARN (alternative learning strategies for physically handicap.
      5.  APPLE2-L (exchange Apple II/IIGS software).
      6.  BEHAVIOR (for children's behavior and emotional disorders).
      7.  BGEDU-L (for quality of education issues).
      8.  BIOPI-L (for high-school and college biology teachers).
      9.  CHEMED-L (for high-school and college chemistry educators).
      10. CREWRT (for creative writing in education).
      11. CSAC-L (Computing Strategies Across the Curriculum).
      12. DEOSNEWS (distance education online symposium).
      13. DRUGABUS (for drug abuse education and research).
      14. ECEOL-L (for early childhood education).
      15. EDAD-L (for educational administration).
      16. EDISTA (for distance education issues).
      17. EDTECH (for educational technology).
      18. EDUCOM-W (technology and education issues for women).
      19. EUITLIST (for educational uses of information technology).
      20. FINEART (for computer generated art).
      21. GLOBALED (the "global classroom").
      22. HYPERCRD (for Macintosh HyperCard).
      23. INSTOOLS (for technical tools used in instruction).
      24. IPCT-L (for interpersonal computing and technology).
      25. JEI-L (Joint Education Initiative).
      26. KIDCAFE (interactive chat for kids).
8.  Publications/

      1.  Academe This Week.
      2.  Academy One.
      3.  EDUPAGE.
      4.  EUITNEWS.
      5.  K12ADMIN.
      6.  KIDS.
      7.  KIDS-94.
      8.  KIDSPHERE.
      9.  Report Card.
9.  Using the Internet in the Classroom/
                      Using the Internet in the Classroom

      1.  About Classroom Ideas.
      2.  Academy One Project List (September 1993).
      3.  Aid to Foreign Language Acquisition.
      4.  Archaeology Units.
      5.  At-Risk Students.
      6.  Beginning Examples.
      7.  Building a Better Tomorrow.
      8.  Chemistry Searches.
      9.  Classroom Programming Projects.
      10. Cleveland FreeNet and Your School.
      11. Current Freeware and Shareware.
      12. Current Issues Project.
      13. Earth Day Treasure Hunt.
      14. History of Math.
      15. Internet and Astronomy.
      16. Introduction to Computer Science for the 21st Century.
      17. Legos on Mars.
      18. Mail Art Club.
      19. Telecomputing Activities.
      20. What's a Sniglet Project.
      21. What's the Same and What's Different Project.
      22. Young Kids and Language Arts.
10. If You're Not Sure Where to Start.
If you're not sure whether the resource you're looking for is on a
gopher, at an FTP site, or is on a host you must telnet to, and you
don't have time to browse all the menus here, don't give up.  You can
search all the menu choices at once for a key word or phrase.  If that
word or phrase appears anywhere on a menu in this gopher, you'll see a
new menu that lists all the menu titles that matched your search term.

To perform a key word search, select option 2, Search This Gopher,
from the main menu.  When you're prompted to enter the search term,
type in your key word or phrase and press Return.

Note that searching this way will only look in this particular gopher.
If you want to search all of gopherspace (hundreds of gophers all
around the world), use Veronica.  Select option 3, Gopher Servers,
from the main menu, then option 4, Search for Files on Gopher Servers
(Veronica).  Select one of the Veronica servers listed on the menu.
When Veronica prompts you to enter the search term, type in your key
word or phrase and press Return.  It may take Veronica a little while
to find what you're looking for (it's looking through a lot of data!).

Rhana Jacot, Information Services Coordinator
rjacot at cic.net            CICNet, Inc.
voice: (313) 998-6521     2901 Hubbard Drive, Upper Pod A
fax:   (313) 998-6105     Ann Arbor, MI  48105-2467

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