January 94 Hunt Questions

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Mon Jan 10 12:22:37 CET 1994

zde jsou otazky lednoveho "huntu". Preji uspesne reseni.
                                                         Vladimir Vrabec

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 1994 22:53:12 -0800

Sender: "Rick Gates" <rgates at nic.cic.net>
Subject: January 94 Hunt Questions

*                                                               *
*                     THE INTERNET HUNT                         *
*                                                               *
*                         QUESTIONS                             *
*                                                               *
*                     for January, 1994                         *
*                                                               *
*    entries due by midnight (GMT -0700) January 12, 1994       *
*                                                               *
*                     Maximum Points: 48                        *

OK, I think this is a tough one... but the Hunters have proved me
wrong on that count before.  Watch me get a winning entry back in 1
hour... :-)

For those who haven't heard, Brendan Kehoe, author of "Zen and the Art
of the Internet", and noted Net.personality was involved in a serious
auto accident.  All our prayers and wishes go with him.  If you want
to find out more about his condition, or where to send cards, etc:

         finger brendan-news at cygnus.com


         finger brendan-news at eff.org


1. There are a total of 12 questions.  The first 11 questions all
count toward your score.  I have personally verified that each of
these can be answered using only the resources of the Net.  These are
contrived questions.

2. The last question is the mystery question.  I don't know if there's
an answer to this on the Net.  I may or may not have tried to find
one.  These questions usually come to me from people asking for
information.  This is a real question.

3. Each of these first 11 questions carries a value in parentheses.
This point value is my best guess on how tough that question is to
answer.  The scale is 1 (easy), to 10 (hard).  Total points for all
questions is listed after the last question.

4. Answer as many questions as you can.  Partial credit is awarded.

5. Teams are allowed to submit entries.  These must be designated as
such.  Pick a team name.  Team entries will be scored separately from
individual entries.

6. All answers must be mailed to me.  My standard signature will
be at the bottom of this message.

7. The contest will run for one week from the date of posting of this
message.  The deadline should appear in the header at the top of this

8. Feel free to send me potential question for the Hunt, be they
scored, or mystery.

9. I consider this and all Hunt files to be in the public domain.

10. Have fun!  What's it all for, after all?


1. Whoever correctly answers all the questions first shall be declared
the winner.

2. In the event that nobody answers all the questions, the player
with the highest point total shall be declared the winner.

3. If there is a tie for highest point total, the player who
responded first shall be declared the winner.

4. Assume you're answering the question for someone who understands
the basic network tools (ftp, telnet, finger, gopher, etc.), but just
doesn't know where the data is.  Answers like:

	ftp host.university.edu

...will not score as high as:

	anonymous ftp to host.university.edu
	cd /pub/documents
	file is called important.txt.Z

Don't feel like you have to tell someone how to use ftp.  Instead,
tell them where they can find what they're looking for, what tool to
use to find it, and if necessary, the end information itself.

5. It's always a good idea to let us know how you decided where to
begin looking.  After all, we can't have everyone thinking that you're
all geniuses with innate Net-knowledge!  :-)

6. Read the question carefully.  If it's asking for specific
information (like "What is the chorus to Jingle Bells?"), then supply
that info in your answer.  Sometimes you may find a pointer to a
source that no longer exists.  Providing the end information tells me
that you actually checked the source out.


The following individuals have kindly offered to reward the Hunt
Winners for their hard work.  Many thanks to them!

Ivan Pope
One Year Subscription to:
"3W: World Wide Web Newsletter"
(for more info: contact 3W at ukartnet.demon.co.uk)

Daniel Dern
Signed copies of:
"The Internet Guide for New Users" McGraw-Hill, 1993 609 pgs.
(for more info: Gopher (enews.com) path=1/specialmcgraw-hill/dern

Cliff Stoll
Signed copies of:
"The Cuckoo's Egg" Pocket Books, 1989, 356 pgs.

Michael Strangelove
One year subscription to:
"The Internet Business Journal"
(for more info: contact Mstrange at Fonorola.Net)


1.(6) Which member of the U.S. House sponsored legislation during 1993
seeking to regulate the manufacture and sale of hollow point
ammunition?  What state and district does the member represent?

2. (4) Who is the current Geek of the Week?

3. (3) What are Wired's Seven Wonders of the World?

4. (3) Who is the voice of the computer on the TV series, "Star Trek:
The Next Generation"?

5. (7) How many grams of fat are contained in 100 grams of mature
human breast milk?

6. (2) What color is cerise?

7. (4) Which novels were nominated for the Hugo Award in 1985?  Which
author/novel won that year?

8. (5) According to Mark Twain's character, Pudd'nhead Wilson, what is
a cauliflower?

9. (7) What is in the north wall of the Church of Synergy?

10. (6) I saw a posting somewhere of a job for an animal caretaker at
the Immigration and Naturalization Service in El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.
Could you give me a name and phone number to call about this
particular job?

Extra Credit. (1) How many times will I have to change trains to ride
the subway from the Bronx Park East/White Plains Road station to the
Nassau Avenue/Manhattan Avenue station in New York City?

Mystery Question: What is the more common name of Caliroa cerasi?

Rick Gates                       rgates at nic.cic.net
Student & Lecturer
Univ. of Arizona                 (602) 621-3958
1515 E. 1st St.
Tucson, AZ  85719
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