Vladimir Vrabec
vrabec at
Mon Jan 24 16:55:43 CET 1994
podskupiny diskuzni skupiny comp.infosystems byly rozsireny o poskupinu
announce. Je urcena pro ohlasovani nove vytvorenych nebo vyznamne
aktualizovanych zdroju. Podrobnosti jsou v prilozenem e-dopise. Zdravi
Vladimir Vrabec
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Date: 14 JAN 1994 20:55:14 GMT
From: Richard W. Wiggins <rww at>
Subject: Announcing comp.infosystems.announce
This is to formally announce the creation of a new Usenet group,
comp.infosystems.announce. This news group was created to provide a
single place where Internet information providers can announce
newly-created and significantly-updated resources. The group was
conceived by Ed Vielmetti, Vice President of MSEN, initially as
comp.infosystems.announce.gopher, which would have been oriented
specifically to Gopher-related announcements. The ensuing discussion
called for a single news group to host such announcements, whether they
related to Gopher, World-Wide Web, WAIS, or other platforms. The Call
for Votes for creation of this group passed 574:2, which is believed to
be a record ratio of Yes to No votes in a Usenet vote.
The group is moderated. In keeping with the charter, postings should be
announcements of new information resources, or new releases of Internet
navigation/document delivery tools. Followup discussions should be
carried out in other news groups in the comp.infosystems hierarchy, or
other Usenet groups, or mailing lists, as appropriate. The initial
moderator is Rich Wiggins, campus-wide information system coordinator at
Michigan State University.
Announcements to be posted should be sent via e-mail:
infosys at
Administrivia should be sent to:
infosys-request at
This is a Usenet News group, not a mailing list. Please do not send
requests to subscribe to this news group. Please contact your
Internet service provider for information on how to read Usenet
News if you are not familiar with the options. If you might be
able to offer a mailing list gateway please let us know at
infosys-request at
To keep this news group useful and manageable, please think of it as a
place to announce new collections of information or significant new
versions of tools. This news group is intended to primarily announce
resources that are freely-available. By "resources" we mean documents
or tools that exist today and are usable on the Internet. Announcements
of conferences, seminars, new network consulting companies, new print
magazines or books, etc. are best presented elsewhere.
Please be patient if your announcement is not posted for a day or two.
If in the opinion of the moderator the posting isn't in keeping with the
charter, he will send you a reply to that effect. Send appeals to the
infosys-request address.
Please include with your announcement:
-- Full name of author or publisher E-mail address for further
-- The name of the resource being announced
-- Complete information as to how to access the resource
-- A description of what the resource is
Conciseness and completeness are both virtues. Try to fit your complete
announcement into a screen or two of text.
It will be helpful if announcements include a Uniform Resource Locator
(URL). For those who are not familiar with URLs, the concept arose with
the World-Wide Web and is being adopted as part of a standard for naming
objects on the Internet. Readers of the news group can paste URLs into some
client applications for quick fetching of items; with a client like Mosaic,
the URL may appear as a hot link that a reader can click on while reading
the very announcement text. We also anticipate building archives of the group,
perhaps including a World-Wide Web archive; incorporating the URLs will make
that process easier. If you do include a URL please double check to
be sure it is valid.
Please repost this message to other individuals, news groups, and
mailing lists as appropriate. (Please respect the charter of other
forums and post only as appropriate. If in doubt ask the moderator
of the place you're considering posting.)
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