gopher asociace CAUSE

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Sat Mar 26 12:13:14 CET 1994

Vazeni pratele,

pripojeny e-dopis oznamuje, ze obsah gopheru asociace CAUSE se stabilizoval.
Za textem uvadim pro Vasi informaci obraz hlavniho menu s vlozenym podmenu
prveho radku.

S pozdravem
             Vladimir Vrabec

------------------------ Start of forwarded message -----------------
From: "Randy Richter, CAUSE, 303-939-0314" <RRICHTER at CAUSE.COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: CAUSE gopher server
To: gopher-announce at

CAUSE, the association for managing and using information technology in higher
education, is pleased to announce the availability of its Gopher service to the
Internet community. The Gopher server has been on-line for the past few months
and has been announced to members but has been in a constant state of change
and growth. This announcement coincides with a stabilization of the information
on the Gopher.

This Gopher contains information about CAUSE, CAUSE services, CAUSE
Publications and other information of interest to manager and users of
information technology in higher education.

Many campuses already have archives of CAUSE information on their Gopher
Systems. Please consider replacing those archives with a link to the CAUSE

Name=CAUSE Gopher

Please send any questions or comments to:
     Randy Richter at rrichter at

| Randy Richter                                                |
| Systems Manager                                              |
| CAUSE, the association for managing and using                |
|        information technology in higher education            |
| 4840 Pearl East Circle                                       |
| Suite 302E                                                   |
| Boulder, CO 80301                                            |
|                                                              |
| RRICHTER at CAUSE.COLORADO.EDU                                  |
| CAUSE Phone: 303-449-4430                                    |
| Direct Line: 303-939-0314                                    |
| Fax:         303-440-0461                                    |
------------------------ End of forwarded message -----------------

------------------- ZACATEK HLAVNIHO MENU GOPHERU -----------------------
1.  General Information About CAUSE and CAUSE Services/
      1.  About CAUSE.
      2.  CAUSE Campus Benefits.
      3.  CAUSE Committees.
      4.  CAUSE Constituent Groups/
      5.  CAUSE Electronic Services.
      6.  CAUSE Membership Application Form.
      7.  CAUSE Membership Categories.
      8.  CAUSE Membership Information.
      9.  CAUSE Staff Directory.
      10. Leveraging your membership in CAUSE.
2.  CAUSE Conferences, Seminars, and Institutes/
3.  CAUSE Awards and Recognition/
4.  CAUSE Membership Directory/
5.  CAUSE Exchange Library/
6.  CAUSE Publications/
7.  CAUSE Institutional Database (ID) Survey/
8.  HEIRAlliance/
9.  Search the CAUSE Gopher Titles <?> (Send keywords in Subject:)
10. ACADEME This Week/
11. CNI (Coalition for Networked Information)/
12. EDUCOM Gopher Server/
13. Other Gopher and Information Servers/
------------------- KONEC HLAVNIHO MENU GOPHERU -----------------------

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