FW: Registration of new MIME charset: Windows character sets

Jiri Kvarda kvarda at vc.cvut.cz
Tue Jun 4 11:59:14 CEST 1996

In article <199605301128.NAA02693 at ns.felk.cvut.cz>, rudisar at faf.cuni.cz
>>the following charsets are registered in IANA.
>>Per your request, we have registered the following Windows character
>>sets, with you as the point of contact:

To nam zase nekdo nadrobil. Nam by se spis hodil alias cp1250 na jiz
registrovany ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2. Kdo uz nekdy videl odkazovat
na prislusny charset jako Windows-1250 (misto obvykleho cp1250)?

Pokusil jsem se prispet k naprave a poslal jsem nasledujici mail
do IANA:

Dear IANA,

from the at the bottom listed a few times forwarded message I found
about the registration of the windows-XXXX charsets.

I have two suggestion for improvement:

The new windows-1250 (MIBenum: 2250) is the same as the already
registered ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2 (MIBenum: 2002). Similarly the
new windows-1254 (MIBenum: 2254) is the same as the already registered
ISO-8859-5-Windows-Latin-5 (MIBenum: 2254).

So I recommend to use one of the corresponding names as the name and
the other one as an alias.

Similarly the already registered ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1
(MIBenum: 2001) may have the name/alias windows-1252. This charset name
was not registered in this block, but you can find it at
(in the same ftp directory that you refer to as the other windows-XXXX
charsets source info).

In our country we use windows-1250 in MS Windows. We used to refer
to it as to cp1250 and it is quite frequent. I don't remember anybody
refering to it as windows-1250.
The name cp1250 is similar to aliases to many MS-DOS code pages (charsets),
e.g. IBM852 has alias cp852. All charsets from the range IBM037 to IBM1026
have the same kind of alias.

So I recommend to add aliases for the new charsets:
  name:              alias:
  -----              ------
  windows-1250       cp1250
  windows-1251       cp1251
  windows-1252       cp1252   // if you decide to add windows-1252
  windows-1253       cp1253
  windows-1254       cp1254
  windows-1255       cp1255
  windows-1256       cp1256
  windows-1257       cp1257
  windows-1258       cp1258

With the best regards,

Jiri Kvarda                       Czech Technical University
e-mail: kvarda at vc.cvut.cz         Computer Center, ICSC
tel.: +42 2 2435 3306             Prague, Czech Republic

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