Merlin FAQ,IBM OS/2 Security Enabling Services (OS/2 SES)

Petr Snajdr snajdr at
Sun Jun 23 17:00:46 CEST 1996

Dobry den,
 koho zajima co nova OS/2 bude (doufejme,ze si IBM nedela ze svych
zakazniku srandu jako Microsoft) koncem leta ci snad na podzim umet
nebo neumet - najdete na:

Pokud chcete "trochu" pohnout s OS/2 a C2 -- pak:

IBM OS/2 Security Enabling Services (OS/2 SES)


IBM OS/2 Security Enabling Services (OS/2 SES) are a set of extensions
to the OS/2 operating system services.  These extensions, in the form
of APIs (application programming interfaces) and KPIs (kernel
programming interfaces), enable application developers to create an
external security component, called an Installable Security Subsystem
(ISS) to provide the security features (access control, audit, etc.)
required by customers who need robust (C2 level) operating system
security, and standardized security administration interfaces for
Note: Requires installation of OS/2 Warp Fixpak XR_W017 (or later)
before installation of this package.

BTW:Dovedete si prectavit surfovani internetem ve stylu,ze REKNETE:
  jidi na CNN home page a on se otevre okno a vnem bude CNN Home Page ?
  ;-)))))))) Ja tedy ne,ale Merlin pry ano :-)

S pozdravem
   Petr Snajdr
      tel.05 /72 69 304

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